At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Chrome 43 continues on the line of performance and stability. A lot of low level thread optimizations, reduced memory copies in various buffers and a large revamp of getStats should show reduced CPU usage, reduced memory usage, better battery life and most importantly, a smoother and more predictable experience.
Issue 1574 :- Updated Bundle behavior to match BundlePolicy spec. Chrome will now use separate ports for voice and video to start with, but collapse to a single port once it gets an answer that indicates the remote side supports BUNDLE. If you want to only use a single port from the beginning (e.g. for performance reasons), you must set BundlePolicy to max-bundle. More details here.
Issue 2822 :- Performance improvements to GetStats API.
Issue 3619 :- Added support for red/8000 codec in webrtc. We only allow 8KHz codecs to be used by red/8000 payload. Currently red/16000, red/32000, red/48000 are not supported.
Issue 3976 :- Exposed negotiated cipher information (DTLS and SRTP cipher suites) through GetStats API.
Issue 4145 :- Added support for CVO (Coordination of video rotation) header extension in webrtc. When both sides support CVO, device rotation will not cause a new key-frame.
Issue 4241 :- Implemented an in-memory DTLS identity store that generates identity as soon as the PeerConnectionFactory is created. This can be used to avoid delays from identity generation during call setup.
Issue 4289 :- Added support for the a=ptime sdp parameter for audio codecs. If ptime is specified in SDP, the closest supported packet size for the negotiated audio codec is used.
Issue 468180 :- Fixed JSON.Stringify problem in Chrome. Due to work done to move DOM attributes to prototype chains, RTCSessionDescription and RTCIceCandidate could not be serialized using JSON.stringify in early versions of M43. This issue has been resolved.
Issue 466954 :- Fixed audio input issue on Mac for some USB headsets.
Issue 4361 :- Fixed crash in Chrome when concatenated frames were sent in a single rtp packet for opus.
Issue 4495 :- Fixed problem in Chrome sending binding requests with incorrect Message-Integrity, before receiving an answer SessionDescription.