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Missing symbols RtcEventLogOutputFile, not built for my Windows configuration

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Dejan Ristic

Dec 13, 2024, 10:31:37 AM12/13/24
to discuss-webrtc

I was instructed by Harald Alverstrand to ask the question here.
I have a problem with building WebRTC detailed in the WebRTC bug I created,
Long story short, we are building webRTC for our Windows project with following arguments:
  • gn gen out/Release --args='target_cpu="x64" is_debug=false enable_iterator_debugging=true target_winuwp_version="8.1" target_winuwp_family="desktop" is_clang=true use_custom_libcxx=false treat_warnings_as_errors=false rtc_include_tests=false libyuv_include_tests=false rtc_build_examples=false clang_emit_debug_info_for_profiling=true'

This all worked fine in v5672 but when I tried to upgrade our webRTC to v6312, I found that some symbols were missing, specifically RtcEventLogOutputFile that we are using. I tracked the problem to commit 
where ":peerconnection" is removed from the dependencies.
I know how to tweak files to compile those files and get the symbols I need, but I would like to make a commit to WebRTC repo so this is permanently fixed.
I am not very familiar with GN build system and overall webRTC code organization so the question is where should I add the dependency "api:rtc_event_log_output_file"in order to build files "" and "rtc_event_log_output_file.h" so it is acceptable for Google community?

Thank you,

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