I'm updating a Windows console app that perviously worked with the m90 version of webrtc.lib. The challenge I'm facing is I keep htting the aborts triggered by the current thread checks. THe webrtc.lib I'm using is a debug version and I would like to get my app working in debug mode.
I've created the smallest example I can come up with in the hopes that someone might be able to point me in the right direction.
webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies pcfDeps;
pcfDeps.event_log_factory = std::make_unique<webrtc::RtcEventLogFactory>(pcfDeps.task_queue_factory.get());
auto peerConnectionFactory = webrtc::CreateModularPeerConnectionFactory(std::move(pcfDeps));
webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration config;
auto observer = new rtc::RefCountedObject<PcObserver>();
auto dependencies = webrtc::PeerConnectionDependencies(observer);
auto pcOrErr = peerConnectionFactory->CreatePeerConnectionOrError(config, std::move(dependencies));
The CreatePeerConnectionOrError triggers this fatal error:
# Fatal error in: ..\..\p2p\base\port_allocator.cc, line 110
# last system error: 0
# Check failed: thread_checker_.IsCurrent()
I have tried various combinations of rtc::Threads for pcfDeps but I'm down to trial and error so I'm hoping there's some advice on a better approach?
Any help appreciated.