I recently pulled the latest WebRTC code and compiled the examples/turnserver. I ran the TURN server using the following command:
./turnserver myrealm ./auth.txt
I see the following logs when starting the server:
Listening internally at
(physical_socket_server.cc:213): GetRemoteAddress: unable to get remote addr, socket=6
(turn_server.cc:619): Alloc[192.168.8.x:50860-:0:unknown]: Created allocation with lifetime=600
(turn_server.cc:647): Alloc[192.168.8.x:50860-:0:unknown]: Refreshed allocation, lifetime=0
(turn_server.cc:572): Alloc[192.168.8.x:50860-:0:unknown]: Allocation destroyed
Then, I tested the TURN server using the Trickle ICE demo from
WebRTC samples, and I got the following errors:
Note: errors from onicecandidateerror above are not necessarily fatal. For example an IPv6 DNS lookup may fail but relay candidates can still be gathered via IPv4.
The server stun: returned an error with code=701: STUN binding request timed out.
The server turn: returned an error with code=701: TURN allocate request timed out.
I would like to know if the TURN server in the examples directory is still being maintained, as it seems there haven't been any updates for a long time. Are there any issues with my configuration, or is it necessary to use coturn instead?
Thank you!