webrtc multiple peer connection

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Munesh kumar

Feb 26, 2021, 4:39:09 AM2/26/21
to discuss-webrtc
hi everyone ,
i want to create a multiple-peer connection in single room , but my code working one to one , how can i implement one to many ?

Eric Davies

Feb 26, 2021, 3:10:02 PM2/26/21
to discuss-webrtc
you either adapt your clients so that they can handle multiple peer connections (one peer connection per client they are talking with simultaneously),
or your clients connect to an MCU which provides them with a single set of audio/video that fuses all the other peers into a collage.


Feb 26, 2021, 5:22:00 PM2/26/21
to discuss-webrtc
Use search keywords SFU, Jitsi, Janus, Kurento.

Miroslav Pejic

Feb 27, 2021, 8:47:55 AM2/27/21
to discuss...@googlegroups.com

Il giorno ven 26 feb 2021 alle ore 10:39 Munesh kumar <munesh...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
hi everyone ,
i want to create a multiple-peer connection in single room , but my code working one to one , how can i implement one to many ?


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