PSA: SDES key exchange is being deprecated and removed.

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Harald Alvestrand

no llegida,
7 de set. 2021, 7:48:317/9/21

The SDES key exchange mechanism, a key exchange mechanism that does not provide adequate security for WebRTC sessions, will be removed from WebRTC and Chrome.

This mechanism has been declared a MUST NOT implement in the IETF standards for WebRTC (RFC 8827 section 6.5) since 2013 due to its security issues.

The current schedule calls for the API to be removed from Chrome in M97 (branch November 4 2021, stable release Jan 22 2022); Chrome M95 will print a deprecation notice if you try to use the feature.

Chromestatus entry:


Harald Alvestrand

no llegida,
12 d’oct. 2021, 5:03:1212/10/21
This change has now landed in tip-of-tree (M97), and will roll out to Canary shortly.
Using the constraint will now print a deprecation notice, but otherwise have no effect.

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