PSA: RTCPeerConnection's mediaConstraints - most constraints removed in M103

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Henrik Boström

May 10, 2022, 4:05:48 AM5/10/22
to discuss-webrtc
This is a follow-up to PSA: RTCPeerConnection's mediaConstraints is deprecated and will soon be removed.

In M103, the following are removed:
  • googScreencastMinBitrate (not possible to get anything other than the default 100 kbps anymore).
  • googSuspendBelowMinBitrate (not possible to turn on amymore).
  • googCpuOveruseDetection (not possible to turn off anymore).
  • Legacy callback-based version of createOffer/createAnswer no longer has legacy mediaConstraints parsing (use promise based versions instead and RTCOfferOptions/RTCAnswerOptions, the feature set is identical).
The ONLY deprecated mediaConstraints paths that have not yet been removed are:
  • "googIPv6: false" in RTCPeerConnection's constructor.
  • getUserMedia()'s use of mediaConstraints.
A timeline for the removal of the remaining mediaConstraints have not yet been decided, we'll follow up in separate PSAs in the future.

Henrik Boström

May 18, 2022, 6:57:23 AM5/18/22
to discuss-webrtc
  • "googIPv6: false" is targeted to be removed in M108.

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