Evaluating visualizations as scholarship

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Micah Vandegrift

Mar 26, 2019, 4:36:49 PM3/26/19
to discuss-imme...@googlegroups.com
Hi all, 

An evolving question around the Immersive Scholar grant, especially here at NCSU, is how are these products counted/evaluated on tenure and promotion dossiers? We are familiar with similar guidelines from other disciplines, but wanted to pose the question: when collaborating with a researcher on a visualization project, does anyone have a rubric or credit-assignment system they refer to? is there a standard for how we account for the variety of work that goes into a piece that lives in a particular space for a particular time (not to mention the maintenance and sustainability of those pieces?) We're wondering about this especially for disciplines where visualization is not a traditional or expected form of research output. 

Any ideas or resources we could look at?


Micah V. 

Micah Vandegrift
Open Knowledge Librarian, Copyright & Digital Scholarship Center
NCSU Libraries
ORCID: 0000-0001-8429-7697

Micah Vandegrift

Mar 28, 2019, 2:03:25 PM3/28/19
to Immersive Scholar Discussion List
Quick reply to my own question:

After chatting with a colleague today, I was directed to this (also Mellon funded) initiative at Brown U. Although focused on digital publications in the monographic sense, a goal of the grant is also to "to use the initiative to promote the creation of language, processes, and criteria upon which digital scholarship may be evaluated for the purposes of academic evaluation at the University." I've reached out to the team, and will report back any new findings. 

They have also compiled this list of Guidelines for evaluating non-traditional scholarship, including of course the MLA, AHA, and CAA.  

Anyone know of anything like this in/around visualizations??

Micah V. 
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