Immersive Scholar projects up for Webby Awards!

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Micah Vandegrift

Apr 2, 2019, 4:24:43 PM4/2/19
to Immersive Scholar Cohort,,
Hello friends, colleagues, 

We are very proud to share the news that two of our projects are nominated for Webby awards in the NetArt category. You can learn more about our residencies here and see Liss LaFleur's Coded Glass here and Lucas Swick's Community Gardens here. Aside from the engaging and gorgeous works, we are excited that the topics of their work (#metoo and food insecurity) are getting such a broad recognition. 

If you are so inclined, feel free to share the news, vote for the projects, or repurpose these visualizations in your immersive or large-scale spaces. 


Micah V. 

Micah Vandegrift
Open Knowledge Librarian, Copyright & Digital Scholarship Center
Lead PI - Immersive Scholar
NC State University Libraries
ORCID: 0000-0001-8429-7697

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