Best Practices Statement

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Micah Vandegrift

Nov 26, 2019, 2:56:20 PM11/26/19
Hi all, 

A few weeks back at Liberact here in Raleigh, the Immersive Scholar cohort met and drafted the beginnings of a best practices statement for "Academic Visualisation." 

I'd like to invite your comments, edits, and suggestions. Over the next few weeks we'd like to engage in discussions about this area of work, how it has shifted over the years that immersive scholar has been operating, and how we'd like to shape that work in the near future as technologists, librarians, scholars, etc. 

Please feel free to skim, set aside, and come back for comments after a refreshing weekend with friends and family. 

thankful for your interest and support! 

Micah V. 


Micah Vandegrift
Open Knowledge Librarian, Copyright & Digital Scholarship Center
Lead PI - Immersive Scholar
NC State University Libraries
ORCID: 0000-0001-8429-7697

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