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Fwd: [MCN-L] Data Visualizations in Museums Conference

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Mike Nutt

Feb 15, 2019, 3:35:44 PM2/15/19
to Immersive Scholar Discussion List
There are some well known names on this speaker list!


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From: Kate HG <>
Date: Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 10:33 AM
Subject: [MCN-L] Data Visualizations in Museums Conference
To: <>

Hello all-
I’m working with the Exploratorium on their upcoming VISUALIZE conference, to be held May 8th and 9th, sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

The VISUALISE conference is focused on exploring effective visualizations for science museums and other venues for informal education. VISUALISE will bring together museum professionals, learning researchers, computer scientists, artists, and technology developers to share their work and identify opportunities, knowledge gaps, and emerging research. 

We’re specifically interested in how visualizations work within the built environment, such as in exhibitions rather than online.

VISUALISE will be a small, intense conference for experienced practitioners. Attendees will be selected from brief applications to ensure a dynamic conference. You can find the application at

Please spread the word to those you think would be interested.

Kate Haley Goldman
Haley Goldman Consulting
Visitor-Centered Planning, Strategy, and Evaluation
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Karen Ciccone
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Mike Nutt
Associate Head, Data & Visualization Services
NCSU Libraries

Michael J. Stamper

Feb 16, 2019, 11:07:14 AM2/16/19
to Immersive Scholar Discussion List
Thanks Mike!

I had the pleasure to see and Janet and Ryan speak at the 2017 Gordon Research Conference - Scientific Visualization for Decision-Making. great speakers and fun to talk with afterwards.

Speaking of the GRC, there's another one coming up in July. Hope to see some of you on this list there!

All the best from the Blue Ridge!
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