artist-in-residence benchmarking report and other ideas

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Mike Nutt

Nov 19, 2019, 9:19:45 AM11/19/19
to Immersive Scholar Discussion List
Hi all,

At last week's Liberact conference, we heard about some interesting collaborations between libraries and artists. I was reminded of a benchmarking report produced by Golan Levin, Director of the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University. Though it's 6 years old at this point, it's still really useful for understanding the process, and it has a particular focus on issues of intellectual property, which came up at Liberact. 

One useful piece of feedback from the artists at Liberact is that if you are launching an artist in residence program, you should advertise the opportunity on rhizome.org

Finally, someone should steal Jer Thorp's artist in every library idea and make it happen!

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