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NSF Research on Emerging Technologies for Teaching and Learning NSF solicitation

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Mike Nutt

Nov 17, 2020, 2:36:44 PM11/17/20
to Immersive Scholar Discussion List
Has anyone done work through the NSF RETTL program? There are 20 awards up to $850k each. The synopsis mentions "immersive or augmented technologies." Deadline for 2021 competition is January 25, 2021.

Synopsis of Program:

The purpose of the Research on Emerging Technologies for Teaching and Learning (RETTL) program is to fund exploratory and synergistic research in emerging technologies (to include, but not limited to, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and immersive or augmenting technologies) for teaching and learning in the future. The program accepts proposals that focus on learning, teaching, or a combination of both. The scope of the program is broad, with special interest in diverse learner/educator populations, contexts, and content, including teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and in foundational areas that enable STEM (e.g., self-regulation, literacy, communication, collaboration, creativity, and socio-emotional skills). Research in this program should be informed by the convergence (synthesis) of multiple disciplines: e.g., learning sciences; discipline-based education research; computer and information science and engineering; design; and cognitive, behavioral, and social sciences. Within this broad scope, the program also encourages projects that investigate teaching and learning related to futuristic and highly technological work environments.

Mike Nutt
Associate Head, Data & Visualization Services
NCSU Libraries

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Nov 19, 2020, 10:53:12 AM11/19/20
to Mike Nutt, Immersive Scholar Discussion List
Wow Mike,

I haven't but would be totally game to go in on something. It was great to work with you & team on the Immersive Scholar project, and we've recently been getting great results with various new immersive learning technologies.



Misha Rabinovich
Assistant Professor of Interactive Media
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Art & Design Department Mahoney Hall  
870 Broadway St., Suite 1, Office 216B
Lowell, MA 01854-3088
+1 (978) 934 - 5792
pronouns: he/him

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Micah Vandegrift

Nov 23, 2020, 12:01:30 PM11/23/20
to Immersive Scholar Discussion List
I havent chatted with Mike about this yet, but I'd be interested in seeing if there is an idea here that extends some of what we learned from Immersive Scholar into a new horizon. 

Are there any other folks that might be excited to put something together before Jan. 25th? 

Micah V. 

Radmila Sazdanovic

Nov 23, 2020, 9:34:28 PM11/23/20
to Immersive Scholar Discussion List
You can count on me if there is some room for math!


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