Vis and Conferences

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Micah Vandegrift

Sep 12, 2018, 11:29:54 AM9/12/18
Hello all!

As we are gearing up for the fall, and powering down to avoid Florence (be safe, all!) I am interested to hear from the list where you all will be conferencing this year. 

This fall, the NCSU Immersive Team will be at:
  • Digital Library Forum
  • The CAAV
  • IEEEVis - Vis4DH
As we develop materials for these events, we'll be sharing them in the Immersive Scholar repository

[side note - we finished the first residency affiliated with the Immersive Scholar project! web and code. Let us know if you use/display it!]

Again - hope all on the east coast are prepared and out of harms way!

Micah V., reporting from Tallahassee, FL
Micah Vandegrift
Open Knowledge Librarian, Copyright & Digital Scholarship Center
NCSU Libraries

Fulbright-Schuman Innovation Fellow, Oct '18 - Mar '19
    - blogging at 
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