Ed News for K12 Researchers http://bit.ly/2gMnR5j NAEP is coming, BERC report, does tutoring work? who is in sped, home internet access

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Joe OReilly

Apr 8, 2018, 10:40:47 AM4/8/18
to directors-of-resea...@googlegroups.com

Ed News for K12 Researchers http://bit.ly/2gMnR5j  NAEP is coming, BERC report, does tutoring work? who is in sped, home internet access



Note that starred items (*) below could not be picked up in the news blast but may be of interest.








The Directors of Research & Evaluation is the national group representing K12 education researchers. We help researchers to connect, communicate and collaborate. This news blast is one way we do that.


Going to AERA? Please join us for our annual meeting of DREs where you can learn what is happening in other districts, hear a speaker on a district evaluation, and network with colleagues.

o   Saturday, April 14, 1:00 to 4:00pm, Warwick New York, Second Floor, Kent/Surrey/Oxford Room. NOTE – this is the second afternoon of the conference, not the first day which has been traditional.

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Reporting per pupil expenditures  http://edunomicslab.org/our-research/financial-transparency/


And funding transparency under ESSA  https://www.ecs.org/wp-content/uploads/Funding_Transparency_Under_ESSA.pdf


Launching into adulthood from Baltimore  https://baltimore-berc.org/launching-into-adulthood/


Weighted student funding opportunity round 2  https://www.future-ed.org/work/in-weighted-student-funding-pilot-getting-past-the-red-tape/


Household internet and computer use at home 



Who is in special ed?  https://www.brookings.edu/research/who-is-in-special-education-and-who-has-access-to-related-services-new-evidence-from-the-national-survey-of-childrens-health/


Reporting per pupil expenditures  http://edunomicslab.org/our-research/financial-transparency/


And funding transparency under ESSA  https://www.ecs.org/wp-content/uploads/Funding_Transparency_Under_ESSA.pdf

Evidence based interventions in medicine has lessons for ed too 



Marriage and economic class  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/29/upshot/college-marriage-class-differences.html?smid=tw-share

How that citizenship question may impact states, red and blue 


Are math homework assignments reflecting the new standards? Not really…



Improving student outcomes through the Barr model  https://www.air.org/resource/improving-student-outcomes-and-building-positive-relationships-through-barr-model


Ensuring data quality https://hbr.org/2018/04/if-your-data-is-bad-your-machine-learning-tools-are-useless?utm_campaign=hbr&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social


GAO on black student discipline  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/us/politics/racial-bias-school-discipline-policies.html


NAEP scores are released this coming week -- storylines to watch for 



Your invitation to NAEP day from NAGB  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/naep-day-the-release-of-the-2017-nations-report-card-tickets-43937837254 

Will your NAEP scores be down when released on Tuesday? Are computers to blame? 



The geographic location of student loan debt   



Tutoring works, right?  https://robertslavinsblog.wordpress.com/2018/04/05/new-findings-on-tutoring-four-shockers/


Does having upper income students in a state's preschool program help poorer students? 



Poverty moves to the suburbs. The suburbs are in denial. 


Teachers are increasingly seeing devices as a net plus in classrooms -- due to better devices or the aging out of teachers?  http://news.gallup.com/poll/232154/teachers-digital-devices-net-plus-education.aspx


If you are using algorithms, how are you explaining them to parents and teachers?  https://datasmart.ash.harvard.edu/news/article/right-way-regulate-algorithms


Bowling alone, commuting alone together, why we are lonely in America  https://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/lonely-america-11153.html


Communicating personalized learning to families  https://www.excelined.org/edfly-blog/personalized-learning-lessons-get-message-right/


ST math eval shows significant effects  https://wested.org/resources/cross-state-evaluation-of-mind-research-institutes-spatial-temporal-math/


Do you use Chan- Z's Summit program? Hopefully it does not have an inBloom problem 



*The average rent, percent of renters and eviction rates in your city.  https://evictionlab.org/


Louisiana reading test to focus on what kids read in class  http://educationnext.org/reading-test-focused-content/


Do you set your testing week by when food stamps are distributed? should you? 



Interesting factoid: 35 years of deaths by county  http://www.healthdata.org/research-article/us-county-level-trends-mortality-rates-causes-death-1980-2014



Joe O’Reilly






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