Developing of Direct Knowledge Is Through Purification of View

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Aug 31, 2008, 12:10:35 PM8/31/08
to DirectKnowledge

Hello !

The first knowledge (ñána) before Stream-entry distinguishes between
mind and matter, i.e. namarupa pariccheda ñána. The arising of
Stainless Eye (equivalently, Eye of Wisdom) is supported by the
following nine knowledges :

1. Knowledge distinguishing between Mind and Matter (namarupa
pariccheda ñána).
2. Understanding the relationship between cause and effect. It is the
second Insight knowledge called 'The knowledge distinguishing between
Cause and Effect' (paccaya pariggaha ñána.)
3. Knowledge of comprehension (sammasana ñána).
4. Knowledge of Arising & Passing Away (udayabbaya ñána)
5. Knowledge of Dissolution' (bhanga ñána)
6. Knowledge of Fearfulness (bhaya ñána,
7. Knowledge of Misery (adinava ñána)
8. Knowledge of Disgust (nibbida ñána).
9. Knowledge of Equanimity about Formations (sankharupekkha ñána)

1. The Visuddhimagga (translated by Venerable Bhikkhu Nanamoli)
2. Satipatthana Vipassana by Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw

Since direct knowledge depends on Stainless Eye, it follows that
direct knowledge consists of these nine knowledges. The above two
references clearly explain the trainings for developing the nine
knowledges, starting with the knowledge that distinguishes nama from
rupa (mind from the body). For example, in Mahasi Sayadaw's words :
The mental processes have the nature of going towards an object,
inclining towards an object, cognizing an object. There is here only
that pair: a material process as object, and a mental process of
knowing it.

Best wishes.

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