Ultima4 Graphics update

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John Taylor

Sep 25, 2014, 2:58:51 PM9/25/14
to dinou...@googlegroups.com
Ultima4 Graphics update
So far I cannot find a link to updating the graphics tile-set in 64 bit platform systems. The update only works in older 32 bit systems.
Any help or links?

Also, I want to redo some of the artwork in the tile set and use my own artwork. I think I can make a character look way more real and fun than the original or even the current update. (If successful I would be happy to share.)

Any ideas would be appreciated

WtF Dragon

Sep 25, 2014, 4:59:14 PM9/25/14
to dinou...@googlegroups.com
Hmmn...I think I need a few more details if I'm going to help out (or call in the right person to assist).

So...where did you download the U4 Graphics Update from? What executable are you attempting to run? What error(s) are you getting?


John Taylor

Sep 25, 2014, 6:15:32 PM9/25/14
to dinou...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, September 25, 2014 12:59:14 PM UTC-4, WtF Dragon wrote:
Hmmn...I think I need a few more details if I'm going to help out (or call in the right person to assist).

Got U4 game from GOG

So...where did you download the U4 Graphics Update from?

What executable are you attempting to run? What error(s) are you getting?
Running Windows 7

after unfolding zip, and running the SETUP bat, the error is "incompatibility with 64-bit versions of windows.

Any ideas would be appreciated

Also, does anyone have any ideas on how to access and modify the tile set?


WtF Dragon

Sep 29, 2014, 4:06:12 PM9/29/14
to dinou...@googlegroups.com
Hmmn...just looking at the contents of the Upgrade package, it looks like it has been built for DOS rather than for 32+bit Windows versions. The control for the application and removal of the upgrade is a batch file, notably, which implies command-line execution.

Which all fits, I suppose; this is a patch built to modify a vanilla version of a DOS-era game, after all.

Have you tried running the patch from within a DOSbox instance that also includes the Ultima 4 install folder?

John Taylor

Oct 25, 2014, 12:51:52 AM10/25/14
to dinou...@googlegroups.com
I  ran the batch file line by line ... then the "switch" batch ... It didn't seem to make a difference but when I rebooted poofie I was going with the updated graphics.
All is good.
Now I'm still looking to find out how to add in my own revised graphics bitmap so I can improve the game even more.
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