Ultima IV EGA upgraded tileset

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Nov 29, 2009, 10:18:13 PM11/29/09
to Dino's Ultima Page
A long time ago, before the original Ultima IV VGA upgrade was
release, there was an alternative EGA tileset available from www.moongates.com.
This was a marked improvement to the original EGA tileset present with
Ultima IV, and it made the graphics look equivalent in quality to
Ultima V. I've decided to replay Ultima III EGA, and I remember
several years ago, when I did this, I replaced the EGA tileset
available at reconstruction.voyd.net with the alternative Ultima IV
EGA tileset. I found it a much nicer playing experience, and I was
looking to do this again. I was wondering if anyone still had a copy
of the original Ultima IV EGA upgrade tileset. I've scoured the
internet and can't find it.


Nov 30, 2009, 11:50:32 AM11/30/09
to Dino's Ultima Page
I think I have a copy of that patch.

it's the one that let you change your party picture right?


Nov 30, 2009, 7:54:42 PM11/30/09
to Dino's Ultima Page
Natreg, if this is something that is no longer available online then
perhaps you should coordinate with Withstand the Fury Dragon and/or me
to get it back on the web.


Nov 30, 2009, 11:42:52 PM11/30/09
to Dino's Ultima Page
Yeah, that's the correct file. I'd love to get my hands on it. If
you folks are interested, I could send you a final copy of my work
when I'm done hex-editting it. Ultima 2 and 3 are more fun with
prettier graphics. It won't be until mid or late December. Stupid
> > internet and can't find it.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

John Rudd

Dec 1, 2009, 12:18:04 AM12/1/09
to dinou...@googlegroups.com
How dare you waste valuable gaming time learning how to save lives and
make people's life quality better! For shame!



Dec 1, 2009, 4:37:59 PM12/1/09
to Dino's Ultima Page
Dino, I'll send the file to you later when I get home, and also some
other programs I got that are nowhere to be found nowdays.

I also got the ultima 7 comics (I finally got access to my old hard
drive) if you are interested.


Dec 1, 2009, 5:28:20 PM12/1/09
to Dino's Ultima Page
Yes, go ahead and send whatever you like. I might not necessarily host
everything due to copyright, but it will be nice to recover some lost


Dec 1, 2009, 8:24:47 PM12/1/09
to Dino's Ultima Page
Well, I have sent the programs to you (most of them anyway).


Dec 1, 2009, 8:30:55 PM12/1/09
to Dino's Ultima Page
btw, sorrry to doublepost, but.... Gruck, did I gave you the link for
the patch?

You said "I'd love to get my hands on it" so I think you didn't get
it... (I thought I sent a private mail or something to you but maybe I
was wrong lol).

Here is it: http://rapidshare.com/files/314245267/u4graph.zip.html
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