[Dillo-dev] Some plugins

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Mar 14, 2019, 8:33:14 PM3/14/19
to dill...@dillo.org
Hi Dillo devs and users,

I would like to share some dillo dpi plugins and one other dillo-related
project. I have been using Dillo as a main browser for a while now on my
Raspberry Pi computer since it is so fast.


- [dillo-ydl]. youtube-dl. Python

- [dillo-dat]. Dat Protocol. Node.js. C

- [dillo-gopher]. gopher protocol. C.
I realized later that this had already been done: [dillo-gopher-2013].

- [dillo-git]. C. A little buggy and probably not very useful.

- [dillo-ipfs]. IPFS. Golang.

- [dillo-ssb]. Secure Scuttlebutt. C. Not used currently.

I maintain the source for these plugins in git repos on the Secure
Scuttlebutt (SSB) Network, using [git-ssb]. They can also be cloned
over HTTPS from these git.scuttlebot.io links.

I also maintain a SSB user-agent [patchfoo], which is not a dpi plugin,
but a Node.js HTTP server specifically designed to work well with Dillo.

There are also some discussion threads on SSB about these plugins:

[dillo-ydl]: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25oEzgqM849P03lR3tR7qwbjzw%2Fc%2BR%2Bv0oIoHyDgEDrbw%3D.sha256
[dillo-dat]: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%2544lamL1D9pK0SIxqDUgaL7%2B4FzqnyWs30SVmbcg5DhI%3D.sha256
[dillo-gopher]: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25n7g%2BJlKZjPV6CRfSQL5YUWk%2BxYgpPjN4Gcxl1NmTgME%3D.sha256
[dillo-gopher-2013]: http://lists.dillo.org/pipermail/dillo-dev/2013-January/009751.html 
[dillo-git]: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25SYQOj%2FQ7XCiOqUzMwK6SiKLWRuk93GZYprqjt1S5%2FBI%3D.sha256
[dillo-ipfs]: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25C35b%2BMlZ%2Fy5TT1e7SG66eNKEIdX5DRl9PRUxbhvO89k%3D.sha256
[dillo-ssb]: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25P3ARvmqbkS3gna1egU7%2BshKUX7QEgycGoHLlBBVVDXM%3D.sha256
[git-ssb]: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25YAg1hicat%2B2GELjE2QJzDwlAWcx0ML%2B1sXEdsWwvdt8%3D.sha256
[patchfoo]: https://git.scuttlebot.io/%25YAg1hicat%2B2GELjE2QJzDwlAWcx0ML%2B1sXEdsWwvdt8%3D.sha256

Charles E. Lehner (cel)


Mar 15, 2019, 1:15:16 PM3/15/19
to dill...@dillo.org

Are you using dillo 3.

I see you are using sylpheed too -

dillo and rpi and sylpheed -> perfect system

are you also using a 64bit linux also?

Dillo-dev mailing list


Apr 13, 2019, 2:17:42 AM4/13/19
to dill...@dillo.org
Hi pastebin,

> Are you using dillo 3.

Yes, v3.0.5. I want to build a newer version to get HTTPS SNI, but get an error during linking, "undefined reference to `a_Tls_connect'"

> dillo and rpi and sylpheed -> perfect system

I'm glad someone else appreciates that :)

> are you also using a 64bit linux also?

No, it is Raspbian which IIUC uses 32 bit mode.

Also, correction to my previous message:

> - [dillo-dat]. Dat Protocol. Node.js. C

dillo-dat is just in Node.js, not C.



Apr 13, 2019, 2:53:13 AM4/13/19
to dill...@dillo.org
> error during linking, "undefined reference to `a_Tls_connect'"

Fixed by installing libmbedtls-dev package on Debian, re-running autogen.sh and make.



Apr 14, 2019, 10:14:13 AM4/14/19
to dill...@dillo.org

Hi cel,

the new https rewrite (with mbedtls) is working real nice - haven't had any problems at all

is the sni now in dillo-3? i couldn't find anything specific about it?


i'm guessing the mbedtls-dev also included (from the ldd of my dillo3)

libmbedtls.so.12 => /usr/local/lib/libmbedtls.so.12 (0xb739c000)
libmbedx509.so.0 => /usr/local/lib/libmbedx509.so.0 (0xb7387000)
libmbedcrypto.so.3 => /usr/local/lib/libmbedcrypto.so.3 (0xb7320000)


i did the mbedtls-2.13.0-gpl source (there was also apache source)

which gave me all these files

aescrypt2 benchmark cert_app cert_req cert_write crl_app crypt_and_hash dh_client dh_genprime dh_server dtls_client dtls_server
gen_entropy gen_key gen_random_ctr_drbg gen_random_havege generic_sum hello key_app mini_client mpi_demo pem2der pk_decrypt pk_encrypt
pk_sign pk_verify req_app rsa_genkey rsa_sign rsa_verify rsa_encrypt rsa_decrypt selftest ssl_cert_test ssl_client1 ssl_client2
ssl_fork_server ssl_mail_client ssl_pthread_server ssl_server strerror udp_proxy

aes.h aesni.h arc4.h aria.h asn1.h asn1write.h base64.h bignum.h blowfish.h bn_mul.h camellia.h ccm.h certs.h chacha20.h chachapoly.h
check_config.h cipher.h cipher_internal.h cmac.h compat-1.3.h config.h ctr_drbg.h debug.h des.h dhm.h ecdh.h ecdsa.h ecjpake.h ecp.h
ecp_internal.h entropy.h entropy_poll.h error.h gcm.h havege.h hkdf.h hmac_drbg.h md.h md2.h md4.h md5.h md_internal.h
memory_buffer_alloc.h net.h net_sockets.h nist_kw.h oid.h padlock.h pem.h pk.h pk_internal.h pkcs11.h pkcs12.h pkcs5.h platform.h
platform_time.h platform_util.h poly1305.h ripemd160.h rsa.h rsa_internal.h sha1.h sha256.h sha512.h ssl.h ssl_cache.h ssl_ciphersuites.h
ssl_cookie.h ssl_internal.h ssl_ticket.h threading.h timing.h version.h x509.h x509_crl.h x509_crt.h x509_csr.h xtea.h

/usr/local/lib/[libmbedtls.a lib/libmbedtls.so libmbedtls.so.12 libmbedtls.so.2.13.0]
/usr/local/lib/[libmbedx509.a libmbedx509.so libmbedx509.so.0 libmbedx509.so.2.13.0]
/usr/local/lib/[libmbedcrypto.a libmbedcrypto.so libmbedcrypto.so.3 libmbedcrypto.so.2.13.0]



Apr 14, 2019, 3:48:01 PM4/14/19
to dill...@dillo.org
> the new https rewrite (with mbedtls) is working real nice - haven't had any problems at all

Yep, working great here too.

> is the sni now in dillo-3? i couldn't find anything specific about it?

Yes, in ChangeLog under 'dillo-3.1 [not released yet]':

+- Move HTTPS from dpi into the browser, enable SNI, check more locations for
CA bundles and add --with-ca-certs-file and --with-ca-certs-dir to
configure, some improvement to security warning popups, etc.
Patch: corvid, Benjamin Johnson


Apr 14, 2019, 4:46:22 PM4/14/19
to dill...@dillo.org

how would you test for working sni/non-working sni?

someone should add dillo to :

and i personally think it goes before internet explorer!! :) (i don't see an orderly entry pattern - alphabetic nor date wise for the list of implementations)



Apr 15, 2019, 4:19:04 PM4/15/19
to dill...@dillo.org
> how would you test for working sni/non-working sni?

I loaded a website that previously did not work and gave SSL errors in Dillo, which the operator told me used SNI:

Also other HTTPS sites which previously did not load at all now load:

> someone should add dillo to :
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication



Apr 16, 2019, 4:54:13 PM4/16/19
to dill...@dillo.org
On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 10:18:13 -1000
c...@celehner.com wrote:

from my 12/2/18 11:31 post to the mailing list

>> something interesting as good reason(s) to upgrade to dillo-3.1
>> the dillo-3.0.5 couldn't get this page https://www.reuters.com but the dillo-3.1 does
>> there are other sites also where this is 'fixed' with dillo-3.1
>> https://www.ssd.noaa.gov/
>> http://www.goes.noaa.gov

zomeone asked why this was so - i had no idea - but now i do!!!

i now assume these were also sni sites - that need dillo-3.1 sni

> > how would you test for working sni/non-working sni?
> I loaded a website that previously did not work and gave SSL errors in Dillo, which the operator told me used SNI:
> https://build.with.parts/

> Also other HTTPS sites which previously did not load at all now load:
> https://p2pfoundation.net/

i don't get any ssl errors at all with dillo-3.0.5 on an sni site - it just doesn't load

/usr/local/bin/dillo https://www.reuters.com <-- dillo 3.0.5
Domain: Default accept.
dillo_dns_init: Here we go! (threaded)
Disabling cookies.
Nav_open_url: new url='https://www.reuters.com'
Dillo: normal exit!


with dillo-3-1 it does load and i get the following - posted just for discussion purposes about hsts_preload

/usr/local/dillo-3.1/bin/dillo https://www.reuters.com
prefs: {w3c_plus_heuristics} is not a recognized token.
Domain: Default accept.
dillo_dns_init: Here we go! (threaded)
Trusting 1 TLS certificate.
Disabling cookies.
paths: Cannot open file '/root/.dillo/hsts_preload': No such file or directory i moved this file - i don't like some of the sites in it and didn't want to waste time going through it
paths: Cannot open file '/usr/local/dillo-3.1/etc/dillo/hsts_preload': No such file or directory
paths: Using internal defaults...


> > someone should add dillo to :
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication
> Added.

Looks Nice !! can i move it above internet explorer without causing trouble? (wikipedia having to give back it's m$ grant :)


from earlier post

>> dillo and rpi and sylpheed -> perfect system

> I'm glad someone else appreciates that :)

are you also using gnupg in sylpheed for automatic mail encryption!



Apr 17, 2019, 1:29:54 AM4/17/19
to dill...@dillo.org
> > > someone should add dillo to :
> > > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication
> >
> > Added.
> Looks Nice !! can i move it above internet explorer without causing trouble? (wikipedia having to give back it's m$ grant :)


> are you also using gnupg in sylpheed for automatic mail encryption!

Yes, but just signing for e.g. messaging this list
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