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Footnoting plugins?

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Jeremy Kidwell

Oct 25, 2011, 2:12:59 PM10/25/11
I'm putting up a whole semester's worth of course readings for a
course this Winter up using digress:it. One element of the readings
that I want to preserve is footnotes (which I'm actually formatting as
endnotes as digress:it can't support paginated wordpress posts). I've
just spent the morning using drzax's WP-Footnotes plugin and made a
few discoveries that other users might benefit from.

First, the latest version of the script uses (( and )) to enclose
footnotes so that in the case the script breaks the page won't end up
being ugly or confusing. This formatting doesn't work in digress:it,
and so I've had to revert to the old style <footnote> and </footnote>
still supported by this plugin.

Second, I've also found that the default use of a special char. for
back links: &#8617; (↩) won't work either. I've changed this to the
much less elegant text: "back."

So far as I can tell, these are the only major issues with using these
two plugins together and this provides a nice way to include document
footnotes which can still show on mouse hover. Has anyone else had any
luck doing footnotes in a more elegant or effective way? Any ideas as
to why I ran into the above two difficulties?
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