Similar project, "Highbrow," featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education

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Andrew Wetzel

Dec 8, 2011, 11:32:56 AM12/8/11
Hi, all -
thought you'd be interested to see this at <a>href="http://
the-highbrow-annotation-browser/37591">The Chronicle</a>:

<blockquote>Last year I attended a presentation by Reinhard Engels
(Harvard University Libraries) in which he demonstrated a deep zoom
widget he was working on called “HIGHBROW.” Using important texts such
as the Bible, the Divine Comedy, and Shakespeare (First Folio),
Reinhard’s widget brought these texts together with some of their more
famous commentaries. A spike graph at the top of the screen showed
viewers where the text had received more (or less) comment, and
scrolling down into the text allowed viewers to see specific comments
from a range of well known thinkers such as St. Augustine and Sir
Thomas Moore on the Bible. Highbrow offered viewers a snapshot of the
text’s reading history through the lens of established experts. As a
teacher of ENGL 372, a large undergraduate lecture class required for
our major at WSU, that focuses on the Transatlantic 19th century, I
wondered if the static archive Highbrow could create might be
transformed into a dynamic archiving tool for student comments around
major texts.</blockquote>

And from the project site, <a href="

<blockquote>Highbrow is an experimental "genome browser" for literary
texts. It is an html5-based visualization tool that plots the density
of scholarly references or other annotations (such as pattern matches
results or arbitrary scores) from multiple sources onto literary
works. Highbrow provides a quick, high level overview of the areas of
the text that are of most interest to different commentators or match
certain patterns, and shows increasingly detailed information about
these regions as the user zooms in.</blockquote>

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