Winrar 86 Bit Free Download

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Twyla Plack

Jul 26, 2024, 3:48:33 AM7/26/24
to DIGITS Users

I have a problem finding the correct way to unrar multiple files with the help of Winrar command.
With a button, I managed to unrar them all, but all in the same time. It's not very efficient...
The best solution is to unrar them sequentialy, but I can't find the correct winrar command to do this.

The best thing to do is get WinRAR working on its own using hand-made command-lines and file-list text files from a Command Prompt (i.e. Opus is not involvemed at all) and then once you have something that works, turn that into an Opus button.

Seems the useage of the @listfiles param is poorly documented by WinRAR. In all of the command line useage examples it SEEMS like you're supposed to be able to use @listfiles with ANY rar command... but as you've seen trying x or e for extracts seems to process the listfile incorrectly. BOGUS on WinRAR...

Anyhow... in the related 'Buttons and Toolbars' thread you posted in first, I think you mentioned that you liked how the WinRAR context menu handled the extract? If so... try creating a toolbar Menu that runs the following Opus function in a button under the menu:

Note!!! If you're doing this with a toolbar... you have to place a Menu item on the actual toolbar, and then add the function above to a Button under that menu... otherwise, the toolbar probably won't show the Context menu items provided by WinRar, since the list is instantiated based on what file types you've got selected, and the toolbar doesn't "refresh" AFTER you select RAR files subsequently to opening a lister... But a button 'under' the menu item will call the extension handler as you expand the menu while RAR files are selected...

By the way, your solution is quite good, but we came back to the same solution as the right click context menu, so I can't specify automatically an extract path.
For now, I prefer using @sync "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" x f "E:\tmp\", because it does the job very well (just have the always on top Opus window ruining a bit the thing, but I'll survive).

Anyway, you might consider using the default extract path in WinRAR's Options->Settings? Then, if you use the Extract files... item from the context menu, it will default to that path the same as if you'd set the path as a command line arg... You DO still get an extract confirmation dialog... but can just hit and the operation continues...

Yes, the context menu uses an undocumented switch to pass additional
archive names. But it is not carefully tested with all possible RAR
commands and switches. Also its syntax is not well designed. Maybe
we'll fix these issues in the future and make a documented option
for this purpose.

i think 7zip is superior to winrar but these last few days, every time i open a file i get a huge list of folders instead of showing me only top level folders.
here is how the file looks in winrar:

and here is how the file looks in 7zip:

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