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IC-7300 Do I need VSP?

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Russ Blahetka

Sep 1, 2023, 5:49:19 PM9/1/23
to digitalvoice

I am trying to get my IC-7300 working on my Windows 11 All In One.  I stopped using the built-in microphone and speakers.  I tried a Logitech 450 USB headset. I am getting sound now (garbled bits of what may be voices) and very little output from the microphone.  I may substitute a USB microphone for the headset's.

To go to and from the radio and computer I am using the CODECs I use for WSJT-X MMSTV.  I am not using a Virtual Serial Port for these modes. I was wondering if  need to use a  virtual serial port for FreeDV as there are several moving parts, e.g. to and from the computer and to/from the radio. 

I did find a set up guide for the 7300 and set up a third configuration in the radio for FreeDV.  That hasn't helped, either.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Russ  WD9DD

Mooneer Salem

Sep 1, 2023, 8:26:25 PM9/1/23
Hi Russ,

For the 7300, you shouldn't need to use a virtual serial port; the one that it creates for you in Windows when you plug it in should be sufficient. Are you able to take screenshots of both the Transmit and Receive tabs in Tools->Audio Options and post them here?

I've also heard some reports that rebooting fixes things l as sometimes Windows corrupts the sound system and causes problems like low output. Not sure if you've tried that yet but it may be worth a shot.


-Mooneer K6AQ

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Michael Lizzio

Sep 1, 2023, 9:08:25 PM9/1/23
Hello Russ,

if you are still having issues please see the attachment I put together for my 7300 using Windows 10 Pro. It might give you a clue on where the issue is with Win 11.

Thanks  Mike

FreeDV - IC-7300 Configuration Using Preset 3 - Jun 10 2023 by WA2TOP.pdf

Russ Blahetka

Sep 2, 2023, 12:50:20 AM9/2/23
to digitalvoice
Hi Mooneer and Mike,

Thank you both for your replies.  I have attached a screenshot of both the transmit and receive tabs. I believe I have this set up properly.

Mike, yes, I used the FreeDV Ic-7300 document (I found it in the group earlier today) and set up my radio accordingly. Thank you.

Russ WD9DD


Russ Blahetka

Sep 2, 2023, 1:58:44 AM9/2/23
to digitalvoice
Also, I was able to play the test files (Start Play File from Radio).

Mooneer Salem

Sep 2, 2023, 3:19:13 AM9/2/23
Hi Russ,

Thanks for the screenshots and additional info. It sounds like the receive side is probably working properly, you just may not necessarily be receiving signals strong enough to decode. Let's focus on the microphone issue: how are you measuring the output from the microphone? The transmit power meter on your radio, or something else? Is there any difference if you push the Analog button in the application before pushing PTT (i.e. effectively just transmitting regular SSB audio)?


-Mooneer K6AQ

Russ Blahetka

Sep 2, 2023, 7:49:15 AM9/2/23
to digitalvoice
I haven't tried pushing the analog button before the digital, but will try that.  I was using the power out on the radio. I was barely getting any movement.

I'll try it and let you know what happened.

Thank you,

Russ WD9DD

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