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Stefan N.

Feb 26, 2024, 5:32:41 AMFeb 26
to digitalvoice
Hi all.

Wouldn't it be nice, if the were the option to type in messages (which is much more powerfull than the chat - just in my opinon) directly from the main window of the FreeDv Software? A few more typing space where maybe also be helpfull?
I often find me switching more between the different windows for chat, active stations and reporter, than can focus on the basic FreeDV activity ;-)
Unfortunately not everyboy is allways loged in "CHAT" which is very helpfull to arange QSO's, or even hasn't running the Reporter.
May there are any suggestions?

73, Stefan DF6VI

Michael Lizzio

Feb 26, 2024, 9:42:17 AMFeb 26
I'm in agreement, in fact I used the "Application Message" area to tell a station that he had no output power. This is an area that everyone can see at a glance. 

Thanks   ... Mike WA2TOP 

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Mooneer Salem

Feb 26, 2024, 2:34:07 PMFeb 26
Hi all,

I'm not sure about putting the message box on the main window just yet, but what do you guys think the maximum length should be for the one that's already in the Reporter window? (Currently, it allows messages up to 15 characters long.)


-Mooneer K6AQ

Michael Lizzio

Feb 26, 2024, 5:00:36 PMFeb 26
Good question. What would you feel comfortable with since there's only so much screen to work with? 40?

I would use it for very short messages something like this:

Wa2top check your RF output?
Wa2top go to chat.
Wa2top Ja9xyz has a copy on you?
Wa2top your audio is distorted. 
Wa2top send me email @

Stefan what are your thoughts on this?

Thanks Mike WA2TOP 

Stefan N.

Feb 27, 2024, 3:23:44 AMFeb 27
to digitalvoice
Good Morning.

The more characters the better. Hard to say how much (Michael) , but more than now for sure.

My suggestion based on, what i mentioned  already in the past: 
For me, it‘s a kind of stress (maybe i’m already to old for that 😉) permanently switching between all the different windows, even active stations and chat (log in and out is needed)  is not in one window anymore, what it was in the beginning.
So, now even the reporter window has to be opened too, to type the messages everybody’s able to see, even he’s not logged in the chat. 
Due to it‘s kind of essential (to me) working with all these very helpful pieces of software, the idea in the beginning was, 
may trying to reduce some parts or combine them with others.
Don‘t get me wrong: It‘s an amazing work that already had took place.
My honest respect. 
Anyway it‘s a lot of fun and so exiting trying all this experimental stuff with you guys. 
Keep going!

Thanks, Stefan DF6VI

Michael Lizzio

Feb 27, 2024, 7:39:00 AMFeb 27
We are talking about two different things. My apologies I misunderstood.  

Thank you,


Feb 27, 2024, 10:59:00 AMFeb 27

Let’s not forget, that if you are wanting to do serious message sending over HF, there is also FreeData, that is designed for exactly this feature.


It is ALSO based on Codec2, like FreeDV and M17 as well.




Rick, W4XA

Feb 27, 2024, 5:21:49 PMFeb 27
to digitalvoice
Forgive me as I am a little late to this party, but are we talking about a message that would be sent over the internet (like now) or built into the RF signal?

I use the "Msg" window all the time to send very abbreviated "acronym" messages in the 15 characters available!

More characters would be nice.....  maybe a "flashing" icon in the program based FreeDV reporter (or better yet, on the main window)  would be nice that if clicked on would open a small "pop-up" dialog with the full message and reply field etc.....

Michael Lizzio

Feb 27, 2024, 5:39:59 PMFeb 27
Hey Rick, 

We were talking about all three (3).

The Msg" window.

The internet chat


Mike WA2TOP 

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Mooneer Salem

Feb 27, 2024, 7:11:11 PMFeb 27
Hi all,

I was mainly talking about the "Msg" field (which goes out over the internet, not RF). I'll have to think some more about this as the 15 character limit was originally put in place to help make everything fit on smaller displays.


-Mooneer K6AQ

Rick, W4XA

Feb 27, 2024, 7:24:13 PMFeb 27
to digitalvoice
That makes sense Mooneer,

Then a flashing "button" or Msg light/button in the main  program window could work well since the actual message/reply fields could be contained in a popup (resizable) window that wouldn't be visible unless "pressed" and then would "disappear" when the reply was "sent"

You still have a "fixed" 15 character alphanumeric "Msg" field on the Reporter" .....

Also, It might be advantageous to make all the fields in the reporter "optional" or customizable etc....(just thinking out loud!)
(I've been using GNU Linux for so long I am rather spoiled with everything being customizable!!!)

By the way, I LOVE being able to enter the frequency in kHz now!

Mooneer Salem

Feb 29, 2024, 6:39:12 PMFeb 29
Hi all,

For those on Linux or macOS and can compile the code, this pull request might meet the need for longer messages: Let me know how it goes. (Note that this should also work on Windows, but I'm currently traveling and have limited time for additional testing at the moment.)


-Mooneer K6AQ

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