No output power

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Denis Bois

Aug 17, 2023, 3:52:52 PM8/17/23
to digitalvoice
I experience zero output power when transmitting from FreeDV using my TS-590SG. I use the radio for all other digital modes including PSK-31, VarAC, Packet.

My receive configuration includes the appropriate CODEC for "Input to computer", my Logic headset for "Output from Computer". 
Transmit configuration consists of the Logic headset microphone for " Input from Mic" and the Kenwood CODEC for "Output from Computer".

FreeDV enables the rig to transmit, audio levels are displayed on FreeDV indicating the microphone works, I get at least 60% deflection, yet the radio output remains at zero. When I increase my radio output to maximum and almost yell into the mic, the output signal just barely shows a single bar on the rig's output display.

I've tried FreeDV versions V1.8.12 and V1.9.0

What have I overlooked?

Denis / VE3OOZ

Mooneer Salem

Aug 17, 2023, 5:38:38 PM8/17/23
Hi Denis,

It's possible that your radio is using the wrong source for TX audio. There's an option in Tools->Options->Rig Control called "Use USB/LSB instead of DIGU/DIGL" that might help get the TX audio going to the correct place depending on the radio. Let us know if enabling that option works for you.


-Mooneer K6AQ

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Denis Bois

Aug 18, 2023, 3:59:32 PM8/18/23
to digitalvoice

Your suggestion produced results. With my rig set for maximum output, my audio output power now puts out between 5 - 15 watts. Sudden loud sounds will peak the output to 20 watts. I am uncertain if this is typical or not. I have yet to find a band with a sufficient signal above 3dB to try a QSO, but I will test the new settings regardless when the opportunity arises.

I will keep you posted Mooneer, thanks for the help.

Denis / VE3OOZ

Michael Lizzio

Aug 18, 2023, 5:01:37 PM8/18/23
Hi Denis,

What type of radio do you use?

Thanks.  Mike WA2TOP

Aug 18, 2023, 5:56:43 PM8/18/23



There have been multiple QSO’s today on 20 meters, as that’s where 99% of all activity happens, unless the group is very localized, or the band had fallen off for the day.


However, 20 meters is usually open until well past midnight lately.


Look for us on the QSO finder to see what frequency the stations are on, and who may be transmitting at the time. is where you will see us.


All the best,


Denis Bois

Aug 18, 2023, 9:04:51 PM8/18/23
to digitalvoice
Hello Mike,

I am using a Kenwood TS590SG
I seems like I'm the right track with Mooneer's suggestion, although my output remains well under 10 watts. I've been calling CQ on the 20M frequency, however I don't hear anyone either so I'm not certain I can be heard at the moment.

Denis / VE3OOZ

Denis Bois

Aug 18, 2023, 9:20:23 PM8/18/23
to digitalvoice
These are my settings, I've tried manually applying these settings. I've use easy setup with the same results.
VE3OOZ Settings.jpg

Mooneer Salem

Aug 18, 2023, 9:29:59 PM8/18/23
Hi Denis,

What does your TX Attenuation slider look like (right hand side of the main window)? If it's not already at 0, it might be worth trying it there just to be sure.


-Mooneer K6AQ

Aug 18, 2023, 10:17:46 PM8/18/23

You audio settings look very good there


And if you click on the Analog tab, you should hear normal static like open squelch on HF.


Click the analog again to go back to digital mode.


I will keep an eye out for you on the FreeDV Reporter page.


But I’m sure we can get some data up your way.

Rudy Pascale Fontenoy Spelier

Aug 19, 2023, 8:23:00 AM8/19/23
Hello Walter, Is the FreeDV activity day already underway? From what time to when does this take? Please information. 

Thanks in advance,


Op vr 18 aug. 2023 23:56 schreef <>:

Michael Lizzio

Aug 19, 2023, 8:48:21 AM8/19/23
Here you go Rudy.

Mooneer Salem

Fri, Aug 18, 2:18 PM (17 hours ago)
to digitalvoicefreetel-codec2ham-radio-tech-notes
Hi all,

This is a reminder that this month's FreeDV Activity Day is this coming weekend. (As a reminder, Activity Day takes place on the third weekend of every month.) This event will bring together people interested in HF digital voice on the air for conversation and fun. Contacts using the official application as well as the SM1000 handheld microphone and other supporting devices and applications are welcome.

Event time: 12AM Pacific time (0700Z) on August 19 to 11:59PM (0659Z) on August 20 (48 hours).

Suggested frequencies:
80 meters: 3.625, 3.643, 3.693 or 3.697 MHz
60 meters (in countries where allowed): 5.4035 MHz or 5.3665 MHz
40 meters: 7.177 MHz
20 meters: 14.236 MHz or 14.240 MHz
17 meters: 18.118 MHz
15 meters: 21.313 MHz
12 meters: 24.933 MHz
10 meters: 28.330 or 28.720 MHz
10 GHz (for those in range of QO-100): 10489.640 MHz

(Note that LSB/DIGL is used below 10MHz as per current convention for voice modes, USB/DIGU otherwise. 60 meters is of course USB/DIGU only.)

As this isn't a contest, there's no pressure to make contacts or send logs, but you can always confirm QSOs via the usual means if you'd like (LoTW, eQSL, QRZ, etc.) Enabling reporting (PSK Reporter and FreeDV Reporter) in the FreeDV application and joining FreeDV Reporter and Discord are recommended, however, so others can see that you're on the air and hearing them (for instance, here's the current map of listeners). :D

Feel free to spread this far and wide among your local ham friends and groups! :) Let me know if you have any questions about the event and definitely post here if you have issues getting the application working prior to the event.


-Mooneer K6AQ

Denis Bois

Apr 1, 2024, 9:58:08 PMApr 1
to digitalvoice
OK..... so I've put this problem down for 6 months out of frustration. 

I've since upgraded to version 1.9.8..... the problem was not resolved.
Last week I changed my rig control from CAT control to OMNIRIG..... bingo, it now works!!

I don't know why, but I'll put it out there to show my original issue is resolved and hope it helps someone else with a similar problem.

Take care all,

Denis / VE3OOZ
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