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epoetry 2009 barcelona

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May 6, 2009, 6:02:55 AM5/6/09
to digital poetry


Dear friends,

apology for cross-posting.

e-poetry 2009 Barcelona will not take place under the best conditions. The actions against Laura Borras weight heavy on the manifestation. It is a pity and it is unfair. I can understand that €100 fees have to be asked, but I never pay for any artistic participation, exhibition, performance or lecture. It is for me a basic rule.

I regret that I shall not meet this year all the friends I wished to see and not to be able to show my last works and trials.

There will be for sure another time.

Nice event for those who are lucky enough to get financial support.

Patrick Burgaud

Créez votre adresse électronique
1 Go d'espace de stockage, anti-spam et anti-virus intégrés.

Laura Borràs

May 6, 2009, 6:29:48 AM5/6/09
Dear Patrick, let me write you to let you know that the registration fee is, as Loss Pequeño Glazier explained in his previous mail to everybody, as a meals fee. You're not paying to present your work. It's a logistic measure that we offer because the places where we will be exhibiting and working are very centric and normally it takes a long time (not to be supported by a conference-festival schedule) and with so many people even more, to be able to have lunch. Apart from this it also included a transport card that can be obtained at better rates (as we have done with the hotels) with a group fee.
So it the question of paying is an ideological question, then nothing to say, because the registration fee is not about that.
Organizing meals together was only a proposal for camaraderie and better optimisation of time during e-poetry.

I do really regret that you're not coming because of this. Specially when it has been so difficult to keep going e-poetry after all the problems I have suffered and, of course, I didn't desire since it's really disappointing. The UOC is still keeping the funds I obtained for e-poetry and in many cases I have paid myself some of the organisation expenses such as air-tickets or other things. So I would have loved that things had gone in other way, but at least we have received the support of the community -and I'm mostly grateful for that, as I have said in many occasions to you all- and the support of the institutions involved when for some time I was without any university affiliation. So, finally, we're working with Caixaforum, the CCCB and the University of Barcelona as you may see at the wepage ( to have the best e-poetry considered the circumstances, and more than 25 people (presenters, scholars and artists) have already confirmed their assistance (
I wish you could also come, Patrick.
Kindly yours,

2009/5/6 pburgaud <>

Dra. Laura Borràs Castanyer
Professora de Teoria de la literatura
Departament de Filologia Romànica
Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585
Barcelona 08007
Telf. 934035654 / 934065652

Directora Acadèmica d'OFELIA (Organització Filològica d'Estudis Literaris i Artístics)

Simon Biggs

May 6, 2009, 7:12:48 AM5/6/09
I’ll not be in Barcelona as I will be in Singapore working that week. Unavoidable time conflict. Otherwise I’d be there as the programme looks great – many of the best people, all in one place. You will have a great time!



Simon Biggs
Research Professor
edinburgh college of art
AIM/Skype: simonbiggsuk

From: Laura Borràs <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 12:29:48 +0200
To: <>
Subject: {Digital Poetry} Re: epoetry 2009 barcelona

Dear Patrick, let me write you to let you know that the registration fee is, as Loss Pequeño Glazier explained in his previous mail to everybody, as a meals fee. You're not paying to present your work. It's a logistic measure that we offer because the places where we will be exhibiting and working are very centric and normally it takes a long time (not to be supported by a conference-festival schedule) and with so many people even more, to be able to have lunch. Apart from this it also included a transport card that can be obtained at better rates (as we have done with the hotels) with a group fee.
So it the question of paying is an ideological question, then nothing to say, because the registration fee is not about that.
Organizing meals together was only a proposal for camaraderie and better optimisation of time during e-poetry.

I do really regret that you're not coming because of this. Specially when it has been so difficult to keep going e-poetry after all the problems I have suffered and, of course, I didn't desire since it's really disappointing. The UOC is still keeping the funds I obtained for e-poetry and in many cases I have paid myself some of the organisation expenses such as air-tickets or other things. So I would have loved that things had gone in other way, but at least we have received the support of the community -and I'm mostly grateful for that, as I have said in many occasions to you all- and the support of the institutions involved when for some time I was without any university affiliation. So, finally, we're working with Caixaforum, the CCCB and the University of Barcelona as you may see at the wepage ( to have the best e-poetry considered the circumstances, and more than 25 people (presenters, scholars and artists) have already confirmed their assistance (
I wish you could also come, Patrick.
Kindly yours,

2009/5/6 pburgaud <>

Dear friends,

apology for cross-posting.

e-poetry 2009 Barcelona will not take place under the best conditions. The actions against Laura Borras weight heavy on the manifestation. It is a pity and it is unfair. I can understand that €100 fees have to be asked, but I never pay for any artistic participation, exhibition, performance or lecture. It is for me a basic rule.

I regret that I shall not meet this year all the friends I wished to see and not to be able to show my last works and trials.

There will be for sure another time.

Nice event for those who are lucky enough to get financial support.

Patrick Burgaud

 1 Go d'espace de stockage, anti-spam et anti-virus intégrés.

Dra. Laura Borràs Castanyer
Professora de Teoria de la literatura
Departament de Filologia Romànica
Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585
Barcelona 08007
Telf. 934035654 / 934065652

Directora Acadèmica d'OFELIA (Organització Filològica d'Estudis Literaris i Artístics)

Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201

Simon Biggs

Apr 8, 2010, 10:32:39 AM4/8/10

*** ICIDS 2010 ***

3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling

01-03 November 2010, Edinburgh, UK

Submission Deadline: June 14, 2010

The advent of interactive graphical systems lays the basis for a new mode of story-telling realized as
Interactive Digital Storytelling (IDS), applicable to interactive entertainment, computer games,
education, therapy and other interactive digital applications. It raises opportunities and addresses
challenges for redefining the experience of narrative through interactive simulations of computer-
generated story worlds.

IDS thus offers interesting new possibilities for games, training, and learning, through the enriching of
virtual characters with intelligent behavior, the collaboration of humans and machines in the creative
process, and the combination of narrative knowledge and user activity in interactive artifacts. In order
to create novel applications, in which users play a significant role together with digital characters and
other autonomous elements, new concepts for Human-Computer Interaction have to be developed.
Novel conceptions from theoretical work in the Humanities and interactive art must also be

IDS draws on many aspects of Computer Science, and specifically on Artificial Intelligence, with topics
such as narrative intelligence, automatic dialogue- and drama
management, cognitive robotics and smart graphics. In order to process stories in real time, existing
modes of storytelling must be formalized into computable models, combining ideas from narratology
with computer programming. This has so far resulted in a technological complexity largely inaccessible
to potential creators of IDS and end-users. There is therefore a need for new authoring concepts and
tools supporting the creation of dynamic story models, allowing for rich and meaningful interaction
with the content. Finally, there is a need for theoretical foundations considering the integration of so
far disjunctive approaches and cultures.

We welcome research papers, case studies and demonstrations – including interactive narrative art -
presenting new scientific results, innovative technologies, creative insights, best practice showcases, or
improvements to existing techniques and approaches in the multidisciplinary research field of
interactive digital storytelling and its related application areas, e.g. games, virtual/online worlds, e-
learning, edutainment, and entertainment.

Suggested research topics for contributions include, but are not limited to:

* Interactive Storytelling Theory
* Virtual Characters and Agents
* Environments and Graphical Effects
* Interactive Cinematography
* Design of Sound Interactivity
* Story Generation and Drama Management
* New Authoring Modes
* Narrativity in Digital Games
* Mixed Realities and Mobiles
* Tools for Interactive Storytelling
* Emotion Design for Interactive Storytelling
* Non-Visual Senses for Interactive Storytelling
* Social and Cognitive Approaches for Interactive Storytelling
* Semantic knowledge for Interactive Storytelling
* Real-time techniques for Interactive Storytelling
* Collaborative environments for Interactive Storytelling
* Evaluation and user experience reports
* Case studies and demonstrations


All submissions should follow the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
format (Information for LNCS Authors at Papers must be in English.
Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered for review.
Submissions (of all categories) that receive high ratings in the review process will be selected for
publication by the program committee as Springer LNCS conference proceedings. For the final print-
ready version, the submission of source files (Microsoft Word/LaTeX, TIF/EPS) and a signed copyright
form will be required.

Submission categories:
- Full papers (8-12 pages in the proceedings)
- Short papers (4-6 pages in the proceedings)
- Demonstration and posters (2-4 pages in the proceedings)

For the submission and review process, we will use the Easychair conference management system at


June 14, 2010 Submission deadline (all categories)
July 16, 2010 Author notification of the review result
August 13, 2010 Submission of the print-ready version
November 1-3, 2010 ICIDS Conference Interactive Storytelling 2010

A limited number of Student Volunteers will be granted free access to the
conference in exchange for helping with on-site organizational tasks.
Details on application modalities will be published after the reviewing


Co-Chairs: Ruth Aylett, Paolo Petta, Mark Riedl

Organisation Committee Chair: Sandy Louchart

Workshop and Tutorials Chair: Meyii Lim

Sponsors Chair: Lynne Hall

Programme Committee
Arinbjarnar, Maria - University of York, UK
Bae, Byung-Chull – Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, South Korea
Biggs, Simon - Edinburgh College of Art, UK
Boa-Ventura, Ana – University of Texas, Austin, USA
Bushoff, Brunhild – Sagasnet, Munich, Germany
Cavazza, Marc – University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK
Champagnat, Ronan - L3i - Universite de La Rochelle, UK
Correia, Nuno – New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Crawford, Chris –, USA
Donikian, Stéphane – IRISA / INRIA, Rennes, France
Fencott, Clive – University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
Göbel, Stefan – Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Grimm, Paul – FH Erfurt, Germany
Hitchens, Michael - Macquarie University, Australia
Iurgel, Ido - CCG Centro de Computação Gráfica, Portugal
Jantke, Klaus P. – Fraunhofer IDMT, Ilmenau, Germany
Kudenko, Daniel – University of York, UK
Lindley, Craig - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Magerko, Brian – Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Marsella, Stacy - University of Southern California, USA
Müller, Wolfgang – University of Education, Weingarten, Germany
Nack, Frank – University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nakasone, Arturo – National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Nitsche, Michael - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Pan, Zhigeng – Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Pelachaud, Catherine - CNRS Telecom ParisTech, France
Prada, Rui – Instituto Superior Técnico and INESC-ID, Lisboa, Portugal
Rank, Stefan - OFAI (Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence), Austria
Rety, Jean-Hugues – University Paris 8, France
Roberts, David - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Roussou, Maria - makebelieve design & consulting, Greece
Ryan, Marie-Laure – Independent Scholar, USA
Schneider, Oliver - IGDV, Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
Seif El-Nasr, Magy – Simon Fraser University, Surrey, Canada
Spierling, Ulrike – University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt, Germany
Su, Wen-Poh – Griffith University, Nathan, Australia
Sumi, Kaoru – National Institute of Information & Communications Technology, Japan
Swanson, Reid – University of Southern California, USA
Szilas, Nicolas – TECFA, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Tychsen, Anders – Dragon Consulting, Denmark
Wages, Richard – Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Walsh, Richard – University of York, UK
Wright, Mark - University of Edinburgh, UK
Yannakakis, Giorgios - IT Universtiy of Copenhagen, Denmark
Yun-Gyung, Cheong - Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, South Korea
Zagalo Nelson - University of Minho, Portugal

*** CONTACT ***

+44 (0)131 451 4189
+44 (0)131 451 3327
ICIDS 2010 Organisation
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University,
Riccarton EH14 4AS,
Scotland (UK)


Do not contact

Simon Biggs  Skype: simonbiggsuk
Research Professor  edinburgh college of art
Creative Interdisciplinary Research into CoLlaborative Environments
Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice

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