Re: Post-Demonstration Roundup

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Glyn Lewis

Mar 14, 2011, 4:39:20 PM3/14/11
Hey Ryan, 

Marc Villeneuve has expressed an interest to call a local meeting within the near future. In the meantime I'm going to circulate shortly the meeting minutes from our National Strategy Conference Call which took place Friday afternoon. 

For The Internet, 


On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Ryan Gard <> wrote:
So, after this demonstration on February 26th, I feel we should collectively discuss here what worked, what didn't work, what we could do better, etc.

So let's start with what seemed to work best...

Ryan Gard

Glyn Lewis

National Action Coordinator

Glyn Lewis

Mar 14, 2011, 4:52:00 PM3/14/11
to, Ryan Gard
Thanks for this Ryan. I think it's completely sensible that UBB isn't the front and centre issue that it was pre-Clement's announcement. With that said there are some uber important "pressure point moments" coming up in the near future including a CRTC roundtable discussion which has just been invited to. Our message to Canadians is that Internet metering is still under review and therefore far from over

We're working on two parallel short-term campaigns. 1) Asking pro-Internet supporters to call on their local MPs to endorse the Stop The Meter campaign. (More on that soon). 2) Calling on the CRTC to video/audio stream their roundtable meetings in Ottawa on March 23rd/24th. 

There's a lot more in the medium to long-term. The ultimate goal is to ensure Internet in Canada is open, competitive, and affordable. 


On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Ryan Gard <> wrote:
Hey Glyn,

Is it just me or does it seem that people have lost interest just the same as the media has? It seems there's not as much momentum now as opposed to last month...
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