New Digital Dowsers Discussion Forum / Please Read

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May 19, 2006, 10:59:38 PM5/19/06
Hi Folks,
Well the new digital dowsers dowsing forum/ board has been born.   theres alot of room for growth.
I wanted alot of input and help deciding what to do how to do where to do etc....
but.... sometimes you just have to do like i did seven years ago with Egroups turned
Yahoo Groups and just _do_ and see what happens.
The forum is still a little rough around the edges and note nothing is permanent.....
I had some  [ alot] options but set this up and did some pre organization....
There was another site host that didnt have any ads... same software
bit i was skeptical as to _why_ ther ould be no ads for free hosting...
[ ads can be removed later] or another whole site can be done if anyone
has a better place and can help out in any fashion....
I will have a lot to say but will do so as i have time.....
go have a look and see what you think and try to understand the reasons
that information is more visible on a board as opposed to email archives....
Its been seven long years since we started here with egroups,
and now with almost 1000 members and 10,000 plus posts in the archives,
so as a "builder" i felt it as time to build an addition for our growing family.
It was my vision and hopes to do a complete website makeover with a new php based,
interactive website and host our own forums.... but it was too much for me to handle
both time and money right now..... so this was a cost effective means to add a forum,
which will display information more readily and accessable. It will also help reach out to more dowsers,
and allow for more localized discussion in different languages and specific focus interests.
So please help populate this place with information for other dowsers to learn and share their experiences.
Im sorry about the minimal  ads but i dont have the means to remove them right now.
Note tho that we have had ads free email enviroment @ yahoo for all these years .
Please forgive any typos or info ive left out as im really tired been at this since 8 am this 9pm lol
I know that there may be a learning curve to go thu but its all pretty easy and alot of folks already have used
other message boards......
There is plenty of room for mods/ admin etc design help so give a holler.... im going to consider this board an
open free for all so to speak... for all dowsers, groups, societies, teachers, events, conferences.... so please
use the site for any and all purposes. The idea is to have a central dowsing informational portal for all to use
for group and individual purposes.
So go have a look
....make a post..... an intro .. make a new topic.... add a book... add a lesson... give a shout to dowsers
around the world ! and let them know what you are doing.... lets see this thing work and open the world to dowsing
to even more folks.... they are out there...
Consider this a beta test and i am open to any and all suggestions including an entirely different site,
i made this so we could all at least see what this is and how it may benefit all.
Please feel free to forward this around to where ever there may be dowsers ....
I will try to answer questions as i am able.
in dowsing spirit,
ps you may see this in duplicate as its posted in various locations and
priority notification message to all members who dont normally recieve mail [ set to no mail ]
i had a major computer crash [ old hardware failure] a month ago and i have been working
on an even older back up computer, on slow dial up with an unfamiliar keboard etc and limeted tools.
despite this, we have maintained admin daily for ISD dd group  adding new members every day,
and persevered to create this new forum and easy domain identity for all to use.
" dont take what you got for granted as someday it may just not be there "
somehow like a miracle, we have been able to maintain constant support, for the past
7 years ?? 24/7, against all odds and every hardship imaginable . The reason is i am proud to be
a digital dowser and a part of a group of fine folks like you. Thank you all for you , and all that you do.
Every time / every day a new dowser comes to the door seeking... it all becomes real and worthwhile.
namaste' > geo
Thanks for taking the time to read this far.

Alberta Phillips

May 20, 2006, 4:04:12 AM5/20/06
Hi Geo,
Although I have been with the group for quite a while,
I haven't posted because I am still not what I would call 'a dowser'. Thank you for creating this forum/board for all of us to communicate in real time.
I have gone and registered for the forum and will check back there, from time to time, to catch up on
things and learn more about dowsing. I have both a rod and a pendulum, so can you tell me how one gets to the level of feeling like a real dowser? I am always concerned that my 'wants' will influence what my answers are, and don't know how one can check for validity, unless dowsing for a specific 'treasure'. Any guidance will be appreciated. Also, on the topic of computers.... I just received a notice from the freecycle group in our area that someone is giving away computer parts. Are you a member of ? It may be helpful in many ways, since they offer free things and allow you to offer things that you may no longer need. (Just a thought).
Just wanted to say hi and to let you know that all your hard work is appreciated.

geodowser <> wrote:

Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.


May 21, 2006, 10:29:36 PM5/21/06
Hi Alberta , thanks for taking the time to reply.
I noted that you responded to the google groups copy,
so i will reply to the same  and cc to yahoo  this one time, so folks
can see and understand how the two groups stand alone
on the internet but join in your email box so to speak.
Normally we will expect to see different threads of discussion going
in the two different email groups, mainly from the google group will
be new comers thru the google portal, and separate discussions may ensue,
but think of it more like an extra channel... but mainly an internet dowsing beacon
for surfing digital dowsers to find us and connect.... i had been doing this manually
by inviting folks that came there to that clone of this group, but realized that the draw energy
is not there unless human energy is flowing thu it.... so i opened the door.... archive i believe
are for members only tho.....
more below.....
geodowser - facilitator
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:04 AM
Subject: [digital-dowsers] Re: New Digital Dowsers Discussion Forum / Please Read

Hi Geo,
Although I have been with the group for quite a while,
I haven't posted because I am still not what I would call 'a dowser'.
That is no excuse  lol !!
Thank you for creating <that> forum/board  for all of us to communicate in real time.
Youre welcome..... a forum was long overdue ...
I have gone and registered for the forum and will check back there, from time to time, to catch up on
things and learn more about dowsing.
Thats the spirit !
I have both a rod and a pendulum, so can you tell me how one gets to the level of feeling like a real dowser? I am always concerned that my 'wants' will influence what my answers are, and don't know how one can check for validity, unless dowsing for a specific 'treasure'. Any guidance will be appreciated.
Well this is a perfect example of a topic for the forum , be cause this is something many have to deal with,
including mysef, and that is a confidence issue and balancing the ego.... sometimes the more confidence the more
ego that needs to balance.... remaining in a state of humbleness with all things... keeping in the miracle.
We build up our confidence with little things... connecting things .... as afar as getting "feeling", you may experience this more with dowsingrods as there "feels" like a tug or pull  [ and there actually is in some quantum way ]
Often for the first time experincer this is a real rush..... for me it still is in some cases, and i use that as the body respoonse for confimation while dowing with my rods.... especially long distance persons/things... this is how i know that i have "connected" to what i am seeking.... it is an "unreal feeling" of experince, like experienceing the paranormal,
and it gives you cause to look at life and things differently. This for me is when i "feel" like a dowser....
start with little things and a friend that can assist with placing different types of stones or something relevant to you
under cups or paper plates.... go out in the yard , gripping your rods firmly and feel for water.... practice with them firm and balanced so moving around and walking doesnt affect their movement. I do not recommend rods with sleeves.
Try just using one rod and your other hand as an energy feeler... training it as a deviceless tool / feeler.....
 Also, on the topic of computers.... I just received a notice from the freecycle group in our area that someone is giving away computer parts. Are you a member of ? It may be helpful in many ways, since they offer free things and allow you to offer things that you may no longer need. (Just a thought).
I like this kind of thing thank you ! Ill check it out....
Just wanted to say hi and to let you know that all your hard work is appreciated.
I appreciate that.

geodowser <> wrote:
Hi Folks,
Well the new digital dowsers dowsing forum/ board has been born.
theres alot of room for growth.
So go have a look  theres alot of room for growth.
....make a post..... an intro .. make a new topic.... add a book... add a lesson... give a shout to dowsers
around the world ! and let them know what you are doing.... lets see this thing work and open the world to dowsing
to even more folks.... they are out there...
Consider this a beta test and i am open to any and all suggestions including an entirely different site,
i made this so we could all at least see what this is and how it may benefit all.
Please feel free to forward this around to where ever there may be dowsers ....
I will try to answer questions as i am able.
in dowsing spirit,
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