Digital Dowsers Forum - The Dowser's Connection

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May 29, 2006, 4:28:27 PM5/29/06
to geodowser
Hi Folks,
A dowsing friend Alan, from the UK has been providing us with some focus energy for the new
in response to those that have inquired as to how to use the forums and why bother at all ?
He has created some KISS FAQ easy 1-2-3 steps to use the forum and contribute to the Dowsing Knowlege Base.
He also thoughtfully created this discussion below of  Email Groups/Boards and Forum Bulletin Boards.
Have a good dowsing day everyone, and a big thanks to Alan !
PS Alan's - How To Use This Forum is located in the Dowsing FAQ @ the DD Forum and will be included in a later post.
Thanks to the many that have already stopped by for a visit. For those registration shy, you can still visit
and use the board , and register/confirm later. I've done this to make it as easy as possible experience. 

Email Discussion Groups and Forum Bulletin Boards (BBs)
Hello everyone. I would like to discuss the concept of Forum Bulletin Boards (BBs) and Email  Message Boards,
[Yahoo , Google, Photon etc. ] and the differences between them . The aim of the topic is to encourage users of  Email Groups
 to try and make use of both types of board. In the long term this will benefit all dowsers navigating the internet.... a site map as it were.

In truth we shall all benefit from the addition of this new board, but we shall first cover how 
Digital Dowsers will benefit. The single most important aspect of this new board is its' ability to offer  Digital Dowsers a much more flexible archiving structure and this is important for new and future generations of Dowsers. Both types of boards are an online resource but an Email Message Board acts more like an office pin-board, while a Forum BB acts more like a well organized filing cabinet. Imagine a new person coming into the office and being sent to the pin-board, with it's bristling sheets of notepad paper sticking out all over the place, to search for a note concerning map dowsing. This is kind of what it's like with a Email Message Board whereas, with a Forum Bulletin Board the same task is made much easier because the information in the filing cabinet is logically categorized and stored accordingly. Forum Bulletin Boards also not only offer advanced search methods themselves but are searchable via the major search engine such as Google and Yahoo and this helps to make Digital Dowsers a more accessible resource to the world in general. This benefits all of us, both experienced Dowsers and those who are merely curious about it all.

The benefits to the user are many also. The most advantageous of them would be the advanced notification system a BB employs. While it may seem a little complicated to those of us who are used to reading either a daily or weekly digest it really isn't at all.

For those who have been fed up with recieving info they don't need or don't want it is a boon indeed as with a BB a user will only recieve notifications of activity (postings) in topics that they are interested in - topics that they have manually subcribed to. There will be no more "Oh no, not this guy again'  for these users. :)

For Specialist Dowsers it is a boon as with a BB they also can choose not to be deluged with all kinds of info in a digest, not to have to search through it to see if there is something there of interest. They can simply subscribe to forums and topics in their selected field of dowsing and thereby be more productive themselves.
For Teachers, it  also allows for  focused by topic lesson name, who can  have their lesson and its replies by students and participants, to be visible and stand alone.... a "classroom" as it were. The info remains there, inits own "classroom lesson book" visible and accessable to users easily.
Localized group discussion and language groups can also become possible .

New users will find it easier to integrate as well as easier to locate both kindred spirits and specific information. In fact all users will find it easier to locate specific information, will only have to read information that they are interested in, will be able, at their discretion, to subscribe to only those topics they are interested in and can unsuscribe too in a jiffy. Users will find over time that the ability to post images and lists etc is also an added boon as things like this make it easier to express themselves and communicate ideas.

The Digital Dowsers Group has flourished now for many years and has become one of the largest online resources of dowsing information solely because of the many thousands of kind contributions made by it's members and this new board will be no different. To become what is envisioned, a grand online dowsing resource, we ask our members to help in any way they can and to, at the very least, try to become familiar with the workings of the new board. If anyone has any trouble at all we have all the help you need right here. Simply contact any administrator and we will provide you all that we can.
digital dowsers administration team
"in service to the dowsing community"
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