Getting permanent OAuth Tokens. Is it Possible?

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Nov 9, 2010, 3:33:32 AM11/9/10
to Digg API

I have few doubts and queries regarding Digg OAuth Tokens.
My purpose is to authenticate user once for my application, save the
credentials in database and then access digg API on user's behalf even
when user is offline.

However, there seems to be a problem. The authenticated tokens
initially work fine but expire after sometime resulting in the API
failures with the following error response.
"status": 401,
"timestamp": 1288905135,
"message": "OAuth signature is invalid.",
"code": 5001

Please tell me if there is a way I can get permanent tokens (i.e.
which don't expire). Without this, I cannot possibly build an offline
Digg Application. Or, is there a workaround? Please suggest.

- binit

mike myles

Nov 9, 2010, 9:58:03 AM11/9/10
to Digg API
I had this same issue, never heard anything back.
As far I could tell, the example code doesn't work.
I don't know if this is still broken, or they've changed the process
for obtaining the tokens or what.
I know I'd certainly appreciate some more info on the subject.


Nov 19, 2010, 2:16:38 PM11/19/10
to Digg API
Hi binit, mike,

Do you have an approximate duration for which the tokens are lasting
for you? They are indeed supposed to be permanent.


mike myles

Nov 19, 2010, 2:52:27 PM11/19/10
to Digg API
My problem was similar, but not quite what was described here,
although if I remember correctly this was the same error.
I could never actually get the API to exchange the request token for
the access token.


Nov 19, 2010, 3:08:19 PM11/19/10
to Digg API

Until last week we had a really odd bug in the OAuth tokens where two
HTTP responses would be sent (when using the 1.0 oauth methods, not
the /oauth/ methods introduced in 2.0) in the response, which
effectively prevented authentication (this impacted, for example, the
Digg Chrome extension which is now working, you can actually install
the extension and read its JS code for a full functional example of
using OAuth from JavaScript). It is very likely that your issue is now
resolved, but if not I'd love to know more so we can resolve your


mike myles

Nov 19, 2010, 3:22:07 PM11/19/10
to Digg API
I'll see if I can get time to play with this next week.
We kind of gave up on this and moved on back at the beginning of
I originally posted about this issue sept. 23 when we were trying to
integrate Digg support into one of our products.
We're no longer currently developing the aforementioned product, but
I'd like to see if this is indeed fixed for personal reasons.


Nov 19, 2010, 10:15:46 PM11/19/10
to Digg API
Mike not only you, I know several people who stopped the developments
they were doing with the digg api, due to the very laid back and slow
approach of the digg staff in responding to questions posted here. I
have questions waiting for about 15 to 20 days, and I know that they
won't reply unless I keep begging to them for a response.


Nov 20, 2010, 3:37:38 PM11/20/10
to Digg API
No one has been happy with the way we've been handling the API lately,
least of all the Digg staff. The Digg Streaming API created a more
robust and reliable approach for passive data collection, but
interacting with our data is still unacceptably difficult.

I think the most immediate way to address that is for us to publish
several thoroughly documented example applications demonstrating a
successful integration. I'll get started on that now...

Thanks for your patience,
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