dogDB - Getting Started!

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Mar 14, 2005, 10:53:39 PM3/14/05
Hello All!

First, let me say that I love the digDB software. I've been using it
for about 2 weeks at work and it has helped with several projects. If
you enjoy the program as much as I do, I recommend purchasing the
license to support the developers. That being said, lets get to the
good stuff and learn more about the software.

First things first, the password protected add-on must be cracked so we
may look at the code further and understand it on a deeper level. I
was able to bypass the security by using a cracking tool I found on the
web. If you're interested in the specifics of that area, you can email
me ( and I can give details on how I was able
to do that.
But moving along, I found the password to be 'a0b1c2d3c2b1a0'. That
password should work for the latest version of digDB and you can get to
the password section by going to 'Visual Basic Editor' in Excel and
opening the digDB project.

Once the project is open, you have the freedom to change the scripts
however you like. I personally changed some of the functions to better
suit my needs and recommend you do the same. I haven't looked at all
the code, but so far it seems pretty basic to a well-rounded
programmer. In the near future I will be looking closer at it and
suggesting changes to make it better.

In the meantime, take a look at the software and if you have any
questions or comments, please feel free to post a reply so we can get
this group going!

DigDB Support

Mar 15, 2005, 2:44:39 AM3/15/05

My name is Weizhen and I am the author of DigDB. I appreciate the
comment you made about the software and that you find it useful. It
seems that you are a programmer yourself, so I think we understand each

I am not paranoid, so I don't mind you crack the password and take a
inside look, or make changes for personal use. What worries me is that
you seem to view this as an open source project.

This is not an open source project. I spent countless hours building
this product from ground up and just started to sell it for about a
year. I hope you as a programmer can appreciate the labor and pain
involved in this.

This product is not just another product from another big corporation.
It's a programmer's work and income. If you can respect this
programmer's work, I kindly ask you to remove your last post.


digDB Man!

Mar 15, 2005, 11:09:11 AM3/15/05
Thanks for the info. I wanted to add in some macros I made and now I'm
able to add them in the digDB menu with no problems. I can even change
some of the existing functions to better suit my needs. I appreciate
your help!

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