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Monica Dapiaggi

May 11, 2015, 10:59:07 AM5/11/15
dear Pavol,
> Don't listen to Simon, he is just envious of your shiny Mac!

I know I know…
I never listen to Simon, anyway!!!!

port installation was fine. I did it again and this is the output:

sudo port install \
> python27 py27-setuptools py27-ipython py27-lxml \
> gsl boost py27-numpy py27-scipy py27-matplotlib scons git
---> Computing dependencies for python27
---> Cleaning python27
---> Computing dependencies for py27-setuptools
---> Cleaning py27-setuptools
---> Computing dependencies for py27-ipython
---> Cleaning py27-ipython
---> Computing dependencies for py27-lxml
---> Cleaning py27-lxml
---> Cleaning gsl
---> Computing dependencies for boost
---> Cleaning boost
---> Computing dependencies for py27-numpy
---> Cleaning py27-numpy
---> Computing dependencies for py27-scipy
---> Cleaning py27-scipy
---> Computing dependencies for py27-matplotlib
---> Cleaning py27-matplotlib
---> Computing dependencies for scons
---> Cleaning scons
---> Computing dependencies for git
---> Cleaning git

so I guess everything is as it should be

but when I do ./install again I get this

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for C++ library ObjCryst... no
Checking for C++ library boost_python... no
Checking for C++ library boost_python-mt... no
This program requires 'boost_python' library

Build failure, installation cancelled.

and no luck with the ./install —build …

panic button pressed!!!

have a great sunday

Simon Billinge

May 11, 2015, 11:00:40 AM5/11/15
to diffpy-dev

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:50 AM, Monica Dapiaggi <> wrote:
I know I know…
I never listen to Simon, anyway!!!!

wha??????? :)

Prof. Simon Billinge

Applied Physics & Applied Mathematics
Columbia University
500 West 120th Street
Room 200 Mudd, MC 4701
New York, NY 10027
Tel: (212)-854-2918 (o) 851-7428 (lab)

Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Dept.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

email: sb2896 at columbia dot edu


May 11, 2015, 11:22:51 AM5/11/15
Simon who???

Monica Dapiaggi
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Pavol Juhas

May 11, 2015, 7:09:44 PM5/11/15
On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 04:50:20PM +0200, Monica Dapiaggi wrote:
> so I guess everything is as it should be

Hi Monica,

Right, the port command seems to work fine.

> but when I do ./install again I get this
> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> Checking for C++ library ObjCryst... no
> Checking for C++ library boost_python... no
> Checking for C++ library boost_python-mt... no

For some reason the ObjCryst library cannot be found although it was
supposed to get installed in the script before. Likewise the
boost_python-mt library should be available from MacPorts.

Perhaps there are several instances of the scons program on your Mac
and the installation is not using the one from MacPorts. Please,
check the output of

echo $PATH

and make sure the MacPorts bin directory (usually /opt/local/bin)
is the first in PATH. If not, you can add it to the beginning with


Also, please check that the output of "type python" and "type scons"
shows as follows:

$ type scons
scons is /opt/local/bin/scons
$ type python
python is /opt/local/bin/python

If this is good, run "./install --build" again and hopefully it
would work.

If there is still a problem, please send me as an attachment
the full output from the install script. I wonder at which step
does the procedure fail. [the steps are marked with lines like this:
# 6 pyobjcryst -------------------------------------------------

Hope this helps,


Dr. Pavol Juhas
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department
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