I was taking a picture of my buddy vaporeon when a smeargle show up in frontnof the picture. When I went to the map, there he was. I captured him and he was 3 stars. Super cool. I didnt see anyone talking about this, I think it has something to do with the quantity of pictures. Anyone else? (Sorry for no image, for some reason i got a message that says this subreddit does not allow pictures)
Thanks for your response so yes the website is talknz.org if you follow the people link on the sticky footer while on your mobile and go to any of the buddypress profiles in the list then you should see the issue where the profile picture is non existent. Even in the pro themeoptions or content editor when i choose to show 480px or smaller the profile photo instantly disappears as if intended. And as expected it doesnt display on my android mobile so im not quite sure whats going on. if not stated before its a wordpress website i dont think its a plugin conflict. Is there any css or any code i can edit to make the profile photo display on all devices ?
I'm not going to lie, this was way harder than I thought it would be. This is a vagabond stove and buddy burner for girl scouts who are doing backpacking or just for preparing single meals. This is a great way to pack your stove and materials for on the go cooking.
I would start with the buddy burner since it takes a while to cool and if you plan to cook on this right away, you will need the maximum amount of cooling time. Start off by removing the label from you tuna can. The you will need to take your cardboard and cut it into strips with the corrugated part going parallel to the short part of the strips as shown in the photos. Measure the height of the can so your strips are just lower than the top of the can. Save the lid to make a fire damper if you want to put out your fire quickly. Use the strips of cardboard to infill the can. Once you get to the middle, try to squeeze in a good amount since this will mean you need less wax to infill your can. I purchased parafin wax, but you can use any old wax from around the house - partial old candles, scentsy, etc. Dealer's choice. The wax burns more quickly and at a lower temp than the cardboard, so just keep an eye on your burner and refill the wax as needed. At this point you need to add a wick. I used a wood match that I cut down to just above the height of the cardboard. Pour the melted wax over the cardboard until the cardboard is completely soaked and then tap it a bit to get the extra air out. You will need to let this sit and cool for a while. You can flash cool, but putting this in your cooler.
You need to keep the top of the tuna or fruit can for this step. Get a long nail or screw that is sharp. Use the hammer to punch a small hole in the center of the lid. Use a small tack nail to hold the lid onto a cork. This will keep your hands safe and it is easy to pack. Use this to cut off the oxygen to your buddy burner to it stops burning quickly. This step is completely optional!!!
This was super hard and took a long time. First you need to measure the buddy burner to make sure you can fit it through the opening. Usually you just put the burner on a concrete area and put the vagabond stove over the top, but you need a window to see how your burner is fairing. After this you will have to use the metal cutting tools to cut out the square. Some people try to cut only two sides and leave the piece attached as a door. I wasn't skilled enough nor were my tools awesome enough to perform this task, so I just cut out the hole. It takes a bit of time to get the cuts right and get the pieces removed, but just sand away or use the pliers to correct any errors at the end. After this use the metal hole punch to punch two holes in the can. You will use this for the oven handle. Cut about a foot of wire to use. Use the pliers to make a small loop at the very end of the wire. Thread it through, so the metal loop is on the inside of the can. Thread the end through the other loop and use the pliers to make a stop at the other end thus making a metal handle for your oven.
This oven will get VERY HOT!!! You should position your buddy burner on a concrete block or somewhere this can't catch anything else on fire. You can cook directly on top of the can in the case of frying eggs or something like that. You can also use a smaller can to cook on top of your oven. Please use potholders and take care when touching parts of the oven.
I worked on my buddy burner and I have a few tips. When you put the cardboard in the container, try to make it level with the can. Also, extra wax will not help, try to use enough wax to saturate the cardboard, but not so much that the buddy burner looks like a candle. This needs a cotton wick to make it burn and light easier. I used a wooden match, but it is hard to relight each time. Lastly, this burner gets HOT HOT HOT, please use caution when using this stove. I would highly recommend making a fire damper. This worked great. Just make sure to remove the damper before the extra wax cools and hardens the damper to the burner.
Bird Buddy is a small birdhouse with a detachable, rechargeable battery and camera module that takes pictures of and identifies the birds that visit your feeder. It's made of clear and colored (blue or yellow) plastic and has a cute, cartoony look to match the cartoon birds that act as mascots in the app.
When I first set Bird Buddy up, the battery needed recharging a couple times a week. When the camera is busy taking pictures of lots of birds, the battery drains quickly. This was also during a period of time when temperatures were near zero, which may have had an effect. (Bird Buddy says the camera can safely operate down to -5 degrees Fahrenheit and up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.)
For every image it captures, Bird Buddy uses artificial intelligence to identify the birds in the pictures. I've only tested it out on three species -- a black-capped chickadee, a house sparrow and a house finch -- but it's done a good job. It's messed up one obvious one, but other than that it's only confused a house finch for a purple finch, a genuinely tricky distinction to make.
When connected to the app, you'll be notified when new visitors arrive, and you can cycle through photos and videos, saving whatever ones you like best. The output quality is surprisingly good, despite how quickly some of these birds drop in and take off. You can opt to view the live feed whenever the desire hits, but that disables automatic photos and videos. It takes about two minutes for the app to open the live view, which is slightly inconvenient, but at least the Bird Buddy didn't take pictures of me when I went out to refill the seed.
During the event, our photo guru Guillermo will take you on a true photography adventure! Various activities will be offered throughout the week, but there is also time for you to practice and enjoy the beautiful dive sites of Bonaire with your buddy.
This is a great opportunity to practice your learned skills. Take wide-angle pictures of the Hilma Hooker, enjoy the best lighting on the Northside of Klein Bonaire and get all the time in the world to take pictures without having to adjust to the pace of other divers.