Changes in Media directories

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Paulo Ries

Apr 19, 2016, 2:03:47 PM4/19/16
to diem-users
Hello guys,

A user has changed the default directory names in Media, and move several directories. With this, even Media opens functionality. An error 500 and the message:

SQLSTATE [23000]: Integrity constraint Violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '' for key 'rel_path'

Someone would know how to fix this?



Apr 26, 2016, 8:03:12 AM4/26/16
to diem-users
Hi Paulo,

you can try to clear the dm_media & dm_media_folder tables (make sure you disable foreign key checks) and run dm:setup again.  This might take a long time on large media collections though..  make sure you have enough memory available when running this.

I always make sure that the columns in those tables containing path names are using a charset like utf8_bin. 
On *Nix systems filenames are case sensitive and using a *_ci (case insensitive) charset will clash as logo.png and Logo.png will be considered the same entry in the database while being 2 different files on filesystem.  The same applies for folder names in dm_media_folder..

Hope this gets you going ;-)

Kind regards,

Erik aka 4levels


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