any plans to rewrire diem on symfony2 cmf?

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Maksim Borisov

Oct 25, 2013, 11:39:39 PM10/25/13
Hi 2 all!

I am interested in the development of Diem and last 2-3 years comunity makes me sad, cause there is no progress in new releases.

I think Diem is the best CMS as for developers and users also, cause it provides convenient and easy way to develop, and to manage content also.

So, I hope diem community will be able to give a new life for this CMS.

Symfony CMF is kind of stable on the moment, and it makes sence to start work on Diem7 (as I remember this version supposed to be first release for SF2)

Any ideas? Any desire to particiate? As for me, I want to take part in this work, or like developer or like sponsor as well.

Jarek Rencz

Oct 26, 2013, 7:25:58 AM10/26/13
I believe it's a good idea and I'd like to take part if we'll be able to collect a group of developers willing to help.
As for now I'm more frontend (especially AngularJS which i'd love to have in Diem both in backend and in frontend) than backend developer, but I do some symfony2 from time to time.

I'll try to convince some of my friends, who used to develop using Diem@symfony1 and now they, as I do, use symfony2 in everyday work to take part as well.


Oct 27, 2013, 4:58:41 AM10/27/13
I have started to build some CMS, but I do not have time to work. 

Stephane has started a plan, but none has been executed.

Symfony CMF has promising features that ought to be used.

1. We need a project manager. Someone must be a leader, and responsible for the management. It does not have to be involved in coding, but it would be convenient to have someone to manage people, tasks and features. Decision maker.
2. We need at least 10 active developers and 20 semi active developers.

If we have that - the project can be successful.

Features - I believe that project can be successful as a port of Diem1 to Symfony2 + some feature improvements that we have seen that in previous period we had issues with it.

Firs step: lets try to gather community - lets create people base. Lets see if it is feasible to do it in some reasonable time.

So, in that matter - TheCelavi (myself) is willing to join as active developer.



Oct 27, 2013, 11:05:41 AM10/27/13
hi all .

looks like "diem into symfony 2" discussion pops up again !

the leader must be those guys who created diem because of what they know as behavior of this magnificent cmf .
totally agree with "TheCelavi(nikola)" about project management but who want's to be volunteer to lead this project ?

i will help any of my free times for this . it's hard to have free times nikola knows it . ;)



Oct 28, 2013, 9:22:19 PM10/28/13
I am in Diem more than two years - know it like my pocket. The founders of the Diem does not have to be involved in the project at all to be successful at the end. 

It would be very convenient if Ornicar, Stephane, and others take part in it - but they are, as far as I am familiar with it, off the Diem. It is pity, by studying the Diem and their code contribution I can clearly confirm that they did a wonderful thing with Symfony 1.4 by embedding Diem in it.

I am saying "embedding" - since Diem taking over Symfony 1.4 in a lot of thing.

Symfony 2 is something else - writing Diem on the Symfony 2 can not be done not even nearly as it has been done with Symfony 1.

The good thing is Symfony CMF - it is a good fit for Diem - it could speed up the process of building up of the Diem2.

Now, as I have managed to count, here are the available developers:

- Maksim Borisov, I do not know if Maksim is Senior developer? Maksim?
- Jarek Rencz, Jarek is young in age, but he is f**** brilliant, great asset to the project
- Roozebooh, unfortunately too busy (justified) but he can be used as well
- Me, I am 10+ years in programming
- Grouchy will join in as well, he is junior 2+ years in programming

That's 5. We need more. Dedicated. App 4-6 hours per week, and we have something. 

Tools - we have:

- Github - source version control and issue&bug management
- Teambox - I like teambox for project management. It is free for up to 5 users. We can ask to support the project, since it is open-source. If not, we can use something else, like or whatever you propose.
- Server for demo, documentation and showcase - I am willing to spare one of my servers for this
- Coding standards - defined

But we need more people - one senior per one junior, senior will be in charge for quality control and guidance of junior. 

I would like to hear 4levels, Jorg Wegner, Daan Debie, antitoxic, Kye Etherton, kisskrool - these are guys that I have communicated in previous 2 years. Stephane, Thibault D and Ornicar - great, we need you guys! 

Others - please do not be offended, I just named some people that I have worked with closely, thats it, nothing personal :) . We need anyone willing to join in, that is more than obvious.

We need leader for task management (if necessary), code quality assurance, and in some occasion for decision making - if there are two distinct opinions, and tied voting, someone should be in charge to make a decision that all are willing to accept - no matter if they agree or they do not agree.

But first thing first - lets try to gather the the initial team, lets say.... until november 20th, Y2013? Lets see if it is possible to gather 10-20 senior developers and same number of junior developers/developers.


Please, talk to people, spread the word.


Maksim Borisov

Oct 29, 2013, 4:11:16 AM10/29/13
Totally agree with TheCelavi

Please, follow the team candidate list in the google-docs, and put your name and some info, in case you want to participate.

вторник, 29 октября 2013 г., 8:22:19 UTC+7 пользователь TheCelavi написал:


Oct 29, 2013, 4:46:40 AM10/29/13
It is on! :)

Cmon people! It will be fun!

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 5:39:39 AM UTC+2, Maksim Borisov wrote:


Oct 29, 2013, 6:14:20 AM10/29/13
Hi All,

I added my details to the doc, great initiative!
I like github a lot as team platform ;-)

Hope we can get this through ;-)


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Oct 31, 2013, 5:32:29 AM10/31/13
Do you all remember this?

Maybe we should restart the discussion piece by piece until November 20th... Maybe some strategy for the development, even a discussion about the some specific components ?

Jarek, what is the status regarding your friends - programmers? Are they willing to join in?

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 5:39:39 AM UTC+2, Maksim Borisov wrote:

Maksim Borisov

Nov 1, 2013, 2:18:11 AM11/1/13
This file is a mix of technical realisation and feature request discussion, so it's a kind of a mess. I would like to see clarity in development and start from feature discussion, of cause it makes sense to have a look at this document to gather usefull information, but on the other side we have complete functionality of DIem5 that all of us want to work on SF2, and a little bit more functionality that is not presented in Diem5... 

So, I offer to start discussion in a such plan:
1) Core functionality ( pages, zones, widgets, admin-generator with module-page behaviour, media storage, user-group-(module-record)-permission storage, some seo features - all of this is now present in diem 5, and there is no need to discuss a lot about this stuff
2) Extended functionality - here might be everything that we need as uses and developers in our daily job, as for me, I want more built-in modules (blog, news, custom-form etc.), some sort of one-click-install plugins (bundles) and plugin development foundation for community developers, and easy update (or back-ground update), high-load and high data support.

четверг, 31 октября 2013 г., 16:32:29 UTC+7 пользователь TheCelavi написал:


Nov 1, 2013, 5:23:14 AM11/1/13
Yes, it is a mess, but, it is a some start. 

We need open discussion board, regarding modules and features, lets start to chat about it.

New google group?

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 5:39:39 AM UTC+2, Maksim Borisov wrote:
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