Looking for help with Diaspora on Debian/Raspberry pi

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Paul G. Richardson

Jan 9, 2017, 1:10:41 PM1/9/17
to diaspora...@googlegroups.com, Paul G. Richardson
Hi folks, welcome to the new year!!!

I am out here in California, and I have managed to setup and start a pod on my rp-3. Currently the pod is being run w/o ssl. The pod, such as it is, runs within the confines of the wireless network in our home. To wit, I access via

I intend to host a public pod or two however before doing so I would learn about enabling ssl with diaspora. The catch is I want to first play around with ssl configs inside of my own network in conjunction with diaspora. Once I feel I know what I am doing, I would then mod the pods and network stuff to expose the pods outside of my home network

Does anyone have experience doing this and/or able to provide advice

Thanks in advance



Jack Freakazoid

Jan 9, 2017, 1:28:37 PM1/9/17
to diaspora...@googlegroups.com, Paul G. Richardson
Hi there.

Recently I setup my own pod using debian and following the diaspora wiki as you did as far as I assume.

Related with you ssl question, before to put my pod alive, I used a free domain with noip.com and a free ssl with letsencrypt. It's quite easy to config and you won't spend money if something fails. Just try it out. On the other hand, you will need, yes or yes, SSL with a valid certified authority in order to upload your pod in the podupti.me list, otherwise, they will refuse your request.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Boris Rybalkin

Jan 10, 2017, 1:56:40 AM1/10/17
to diaspora-discuss
You could try RPI image from syncloud.org which simplifies app installations like diaspora and nextcloud. It has a webui for enabling external access using UPnP port mapping on your router. You will get Let's Encrypt real certificates and a domain name [user].syncloud.it.
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