Install Diaspora v0.6 on a Ubuntu v14.04 LTS server

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Sep 12, 2016, 3:06:30 PM9/12/16
to diaspora-dev
I try to install Diaspora according to the installation manual (
At the "Bundle" paragraph a problem appeared, which I can not solve myself. The manual says: 
This takes quite a while. You should get a green success message when it's finished[...]

But when I execute this command:
RAILS_ENV=production bin/bundle install --deployment --without test development --with postgresql

 I get the following output (shortend):
Bundle complete! 137 Gemfile dependencies, 259 gems now installed.
Gems in the groups test and development were not installed.
Bundled gems are installed into ./vendor/bundle.
Post-install message from acts-as-taggable-on:
When upgrading

Re-run the migrations generator

    rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:install:migrations

This will create any new migrations and skip existing ones
Version 3.5.0 has a migration for mysql adapter
Post-install message from compass:
    Compass is charityware. If you love it, please donate on our behalf at Thanks!
Post-install message from haml:

HEADS UP! Haml 4.0 has many improvements, but also has changes that may break
your application:

* Support for Ruby 1.8.6 dropped
* Support for Rails 2 dropped
* Sass filter now always outputs <style> tags
* Data attributes are now hyphenated, not underscored
* html2haml utility moved to the html2haml gem
* Textile and Maruku filters moved to the haml-contrib gem

For more info see:

Post-install message from handlebars_assets:
Remember to rake assets:clean or rake assets:purge on update! this is required because of handlebars updates
Post-install message from rails-assets-blueimp-gallery:
This component doesn't define main assets in bower.json.
Please open new pull request in component's repository:
Post-install message from rails-assets-jquery.ui:
This component doesn't define main assets in bower.json.
Please open new pull request in component's repository:

So there is no "green message" but a lot of "post-install" message and no error message. 
Now I am pretty confused and I do not know what to do next. I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance.

best wishes

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