How to return Context/Parameters from Fulfillment dialog flow

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Aymal Khalid Khan

Jul 21, 2022, 11:46:25 AM7/21/22
to Dialogflow CX Edition users
I want to return a context variable service_desk_phonenumber from the backend using web hook. I am able to return responses but not any variables/context. Once the context variable is returned to dialog flow I want to set it as a parameter to service_desk_phonenumber. So I can use the variable sent from backend in my dialog flow responses. How to return context in fulfillment ?

{ "fulfillment_response": { "messages": [ { "text": { "text": [ text ] } } ], 'sessionInfo': { 'parameters': {'service_desk_phonenumber':'17372079207'}} }


Jose Gutierrez Paliza

Jul 22, 2022, 2:32:55 PM7/22/22
to Dialogflow CX Edition users
Parameters exist within the output contexts in Fulfillment response. You need to specify the parameter you want to add / update in your respective output context while sending a response back from your web hook.
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