Puredata and bluetooth serve

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Garrett Lynch

Jul 1, 2009, 1:30:04 PM7/1/09
to dia...@googlegroups.com

I am trying to use your bluetooth server for some work I am developing
and am trying to make sense of the Puredata patch that is bundled with
the server. Could you tell me how the OSC send message works with the
server? It has five parameters:

send /Diablu/Mailman/SendPathToGroup mailman.txt * * Nokia

The first "/Diablu/Mailman/SendPathToGroup" does not change, the
second, "mailman.txt" is the file to send. What are the third and
fourth " * *"? And the fifth is the device name?



Jorge Cardoso

Jul 1, 2009, 1:41:44 PM7/1/09
to DiABlu Project

The SendPathToGroup is used to 'broadcast'.
The last three parameters are used to 'select' the devices to which
the file should be sent. So,
the third parameter is the "major device classe", the fourth is the
"minor device class" and the fifth is the "brand" of the device.

These last three parameters can have wildcards, you could write "Phone
* *" to send a file to any device of type (major class) Phone.
If you wanted only smartphones you could send "Phone Smartphone *". In
the example, the file is sent to all Nokia phones.

The description of the major and minor classes of devices is in the

Hope this helps,

On Jul 1, 6:30 pm, Garrett Lynch <li...@asquare.org> wrote:
> hi
> I am trying to use your bluetooth server for some work I am developing  
> and am trying to make sense of the Puredata patch that is bundled with  
> the server.  Could you tell me how the OSC send message works with the  
> server?  It has five parameters:
> send /Diablu/Mailman/SendPathToGroup mailman.txt * * Nokia
> The first "/Diablu/Mailman/SendPathToGroup" does not change, the  
> second, "mailman.txt" is the file to send.  What are the third and  
> fourth " * *"?  And the fifth is the device name?
> a+
> gar
> _________________
> Garr...@asquare.orghttp://www.asquare.org/http://www.asquare.org/networkresearch/
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