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Sarah Howard

Mar 26, 2019, 9:08:27 AM3/26/19
to diabenv

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CHE Diabetes and Obesity News
and Updates



Environmental Chemicals: Human Studies

Environmental Chemicals: Laboratory Studies

Air Pollution


Bisphenol a: A narrative review of prenatal exposure effects on adipogenesis and childhood obesity via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma

This review explores the proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) mechanism in detail, and examines the obesogenic effect of prenatal exposure to BPA during critical windows of vulnerability. Hoepner, Environ Res.

Environmental Chemicals: Human Studies

Association between phthalate exposure and glycosylated hemoglobin, fasting glucose, and type 2 diabetes mellitus: A case-control study in China

Exposure to phthalates was positively associated with type 2 diabetes, fasting glucose, and long-term blood glucose (HbA1c) levels, and the associations differed based on sex, BMI, and age. Duan et al. Sci Total Environ.

Prenatal exposure to perfluorobutanesulfonic acid and childhood adiposity: A prospective birth cohort study in Shanghai, China

Prenatal exposure to PFBS, a replacement chemical for PFOS, was associated with increased adiposity in 5 year old girls. Chen et al. Chemosphere.

Structure-based investigation on the association between perfluoroalkyl acids exposure and both gestational diabetes mellitus and glucose homeostasis in pregnant women

Found an association between short-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (PFCA) exposure and both gestational diabetes risk and impaired glucose homeostasis in pregnant women (China). Liu et al. Environ Int.

Environmental Chemicals: Laboratory Studies

Targeted degradation of glucose transporters protects against arsenic toxicity

These results may have implications for the epidemiologic association between arsenic exposure and diabetes. Jochem et al. Mol Cell Biol.

Taurine protects INS-1 cells from apoptosis induced by Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate via reducing oxidative stress and autophagy

DEHP induces apoptosis in beta cells in part via oxidative stress, and taurine, an amino acid, helps reverse DEHP-induced oxidative stress. Li et al. Toxicol Mech Methods.

The brominated flame retardant PBDE 99 promotes adipogenesis via regulating mitotic clonal expansion and PPARγ expression

PBDE 99 may be a potential obesogen. Wen et al. Sci Total Environ.

Air Pollution

Associations between fine particulate matter and changes in lipids/lipoproteins among midlife women

PM2.5 exposure was associated with adverse lipid level changes (U.S.). Sci Total Environ.

To see how these studies relate to existing research, or for more on environmental chemicals and diabetes/obesity, visit

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Sarah Howard

Apr 2, 2019, 10:20:12 AM4/2/19
to diabenv
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CHE Diabetes and Obesity News
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Diet and the Gut


Role of cadmium and arsenic as endocrine disruptors in the metabolism of carbohydrates: Inserting the association into perspectives

Reviews the impact of arsenic and cadmium on the metabolism of carbohydrates and the enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and glucose homeostasis. Sabir et al. Biomed Pharmacother.

Report from the BfR expert hearing on practicability of hormonal measurements: recommendations for experimental design of toxicological studies with integrated hormonal end points

Summarizes discussions from an international expert hearing organized by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Berlin in October 2017, providing guidance for measuring hormones in regulatory toxicology studies relating to endocrine disruption. Includes recommendations for insulin, which is novel. Kucheryavenko et al. Arch Toxicol.

Environmental Chemicals: Human Studies

Elevated urinary bisphenol a levels are associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease among adults in the United States

Using cross-sectional NHANES data, this study found that high levels of urinary BPA were associated with NAFLD. Kim et al. Liver Int.

Mendelian randomization of inorganic arsenic metabolism as a risk factor for hypertension- and diabetes-related traits among adults in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) cohort

This study of people exposed to arsenic via eating a lot of rice, but not through drinking water, did not find an association between arsenic and diabetes, although arsenic was linked to higher blood pressure) (U.S.) Scannell Bryan et al. 2019.

Perfluoroalkyl substances are inversely associated with coronary heart disease in adults with diabetes

In a high exposure population. Honda-Kohmo et al. J Diabetes Complications.

Environmental Chemicals: Laboratory Studies

Effects of Bauhinia forficata on glycaemia, lipid profile, hepatic glycogen content and oxidative stress in rats exposed to Bisphenol A

Found that B. forficata commercial extract has hypoglycemic and antioxidant properties capable of minimizing the diabetes-related effects of BPA. Pinafo et al. Toxicol Rep.

Perinatal exposure to bisphenol s (BPS) promotes obesity development by interfering with lipid and glucose metabolism in male mouse offspring

Another study showing that this BPA replacement chemical is linked to diabetes and obesity. Meng et al. Environ Res.

Chronic exposure to 6:2 chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonate acid (F-53B) induced hepatotoxic effects in adult zebrafish and disrupted the PPAR signaling pathway in their offspring

This replacement chemical for PFOS adversely impacts zebrafish livers, with the disruption dependent on sex and developmental stage. Shi et al. Environ Pollut.

Diet and the Gut

The role of dietary phytoestrogens and the nuclear receptor PPARγ in adipogenesis: an in vitro study

These data provide biological evidence that the pro- or anti-obesity effects of phytoestrogens are related to their relative agonist/antagonist activity on PPARγ. Hall et al. EHP.

To see how these studies relate to existing research, or for more on environmental chemicals and diabetes/obesity, visit

Copyright © 2019 Collaborative on Health and the Environment, All rights reserved.
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Collaborative on Health and the Environment
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Sarah Howard

Apr 9, 2019, 8:35:43 AM4/9/19
to diabenv
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CHE Diabetes and Obesity News
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Type 1 Diabetes and Autoimmunity

Economic Costs

The economic burden of elevated blood glucose levels in 2017: diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes, gestational diabetes, and prediabetes

The economic burden associated with diagnosed diabetes, undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetes, and gestational diabetes reached nearly $404 billion in 2017, consisting of $327.2 billion for diagnosed diabetes, $31.7 billion for undiagnosed diabetes, $43.4 billion for prediabetes, and nearly $1.6 billion for gestational diabetes. Dall et al. Diabetes Care.

Environmental Chemicals: Laboratory Studies

Effects of in utero and lactational exposure to phthalates on reproductive development and glycemic homeostasis in rats

Rats exposed to DEHP and DBP in the womb/early life had higher fasting glucose levels, and those exposed to DEHP also had lower insulin secretion. Venturelli et al. Toxicology.

Exposure to Aroclor 1254 persistently suppresses the functions of pancreatic β-cells and deteriorates glucose homeostasis in male mice

Reduced insulin levels were initially rescued by a compensative increase in β-cell mass. However, the β-cells eventually failed to make sufficient levels of insulin, resulting in significant increases in fasting blood glucose. Xi et al. Environ Pollut.

Bisphenol F has different effects on preadipocytes differentiation and weight gain in adult mice as compared with Bisphenol A and S

The results suggest that BPS has a strong potential to be obesogenic while effects of BPF are subtler and potentially in the opposite direction. Drobna et al. Toxicology.

Propensity of Tagetes erecta L., a medicinal plant commonly used in diabetes management, to accumulate perfluoroalkyl substances

The results suggest that some medicinal plants (in particular, Tagetes erecta L.) are also potential sources of PFOA, PFOS, and PFBS in humans. Mudumbi et al. Toxics.

Diet and the Gut

Gut microbiota characterization and lipid metabolism disorder found in PCB77-treated female mice

PCB-77 exposure induced gut microbiota dysbiosis, obesity, hyperlipidemia, hepatic lipid accumulation, and liver injury in mice. Chi et al. Toxicology.

Type 1 Diabetes and Autoimmunity

Maternal and early life iron intake and risk of childhood type 1 diabetes: a Danish case-cohort study

This large study found that iron supplements in early life reduced the risk of type 1 diabetes, but supplementation during pregnancy did not affect risk. Thorsen et al. Nutrients. (Note that these findings contradict earlier studies, which have found increased risks of type 1 with early life iron intake).

Emerging role of air pollution in autoimmune diseases

Reviews the mechanisms linking air pollution exposures to autoimmune diseases, including systemic inflammation, increased oxidative stress, and epigenetic modification, with a focus on type 1 diabetes. Zhao et al. Autoimmun Rev.

To see how these studies relate to existing research, or for more on environmental chemicals and diabetes/obesity, visit

Copyright © 2019 Collaborative on Health and the Environment, All rights reserved.
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