This prospective, multinational, observational fetal study, conducted in maternity units in Brazil, Kenya, Pakistan, South Africa, Thailand, and the UK, collected early pregnancy maternal blood and umbilical cord venous blood samples for untargeted metabolomic analysis, and followed children until age 2. It found that early pregnancy lipid biology associated with fetal abdominal growth trajectories was an indicator of patterns of growth and adiposity, and that the fungicide chlorothalonil was highly abundant in the early accelerating growth phenotype group. Villar et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol.
Prenatal PFAS mixtures were generally associated with lower body weight measures in boys, and higher in girls (China). Zhang et al. Chemosphere.
Higher concentrations of MEP metabolites were associated with increased odds of metabolic syndrome in men. Postmenopausal women with higher ∑DEHP concentrations had more than nine-fold higher odds of metabolic syndrome compared with postmenopausal women with the lowest ∑DEHP concentrations. Shih et al. Int J Environ Res Public Health.
High concentrations of serum pyrethroid insecticides were significantly associated with an increased risk of incident type 2 diabetes, largely due to fenvalerate (China). Jia et al. Eur J Epidemiol.
Pregnant women with higher exposure to diphenyl phosphate (DPHP) had a lower risk of high blood glucose levels (Ohio). Yang et al. Int J Hyg Environ Health.
In Denmark, pregnancy plasma PFOA concentrations were associated with lower birth size and BMI and increased childhood height. Pregnancy plasma PFOS concentrations were also associated with lower birth BMI, but in childhood pregnancy plasma PFOS concentration interacted with child sex on BMI and fat percentage at 6 years with negative associations in girls and positive in boys. Sevelsted et al. EBioMedicine.
A chemical mixture (nine common chemicals-- one phenol, two parabens, two chlorophenols and four phthalates) had positive joint effects on insulin resistance, with DEHP being the predominant driver. Bai et al. Sci Total Environ.
Used untargeted metabolomics analysis to assess circulating metabolites in order to characterize biochemical pathways by which early life exposures influence the development of cardiometabolic risk during childhood and adolescence, prior to becoming evident in clinical markers. Found associations between various exposures and various metabolites in all children, which varied by sex and timing of exposure (Mexico). Goodrich et al. PLoS One.