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tuzo engelbert

Jan 22, 2019, 6:50:49 AM1/22/19
to DHIS2 system administrators
Hello Admins
When am upgrading one of my test instance which is currently running on DHIS2.30 to DHIS2.31 keeps getting error like the logs below

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'flyway' defined in URL [jar:file:/usr/local/tomcat-29/webapps/dhis/WEB-INF/lib/dhis-support-db-migration-2.31-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/dhis/beans.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate$FlywayMigrateException: 
Migration V2_31_1__Migrations_for_release_v31.sql failed
SQL State  : 42501
Error Code : 0
Message    : ERROR: must be owner of function generate_uid
Location   : org/hisp/dhis/db/migration/2.31/V2_31_1__Migrations_for_release_v31.sql (/usr/local/tomcat-29/file:/usr/local/tomcat-29/webapps/dhis/WEB-INF/lib/dhis-support-db-migration-2.31-SNAPSHOT.jar!/org/hisp/dhis/db/migration/2.31/V2_31_1__Migrations_for_release_v31.sql)
Line       : 1
Statement  : --Function for creating uids.

Is there a way of getting this fixed ??

Thanks in advance

Bob Jolliffe

Jan 23, 2019, 4:49:21 AM1/23/19
to tuzo engelbert, DHIS2 system administrators
Hi Tuzo

Good to hear from you. I just asked Ameen who is the guru of the new
flyway functionality. He reckons that it looks like you have an
existing function called generate_uid which is not owned by your dhis2
database user. If you just drop that function and restart the
application it should recreate it afresh and with the proper

Please try this and let us know.

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tuzo engelbert

Jan 23, 2019, 4:53:05 AM1/23/19
to Bob Jolliffe, DHIS2 system administrators
Thanks, will do. 
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