Announcing the 2023-24 DHC-NC Executive Board

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Digital Humanities Collaborative of North Carolina

Aug 3, 2023, 12:39:43 PM8/3/23

The 2023 Executive Board election results are in! 

Now, you might be wondering if you missed an email or whether you neglected to complete the ballot, but rest assured, you did not. While each of the positions up for election had several amazing nominations, the positions were ultimately uncontested, and there was no need for an election this year (one fewer thing for everyone to do over the summer). As a result, we are thrilled to bring in three new voices to organization leadership! 

We are going to spend the rest of the month getting the DHC-NC back up to speed, but this year marks a new, post-pandemic beginning for the organization. Much more to come; for now, here are the 2023-24 DHC-NC Executive Board members. Congratulations!

NOTE: We have migrated our social media presence off of Twitter to Threads and Instagram (dhcnorthcarolina).

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