Call for 2024 DHC-NC Election Nominations

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Digital Humanities Collaborative of North Carolina

Jun 13, 2024, 11:32:29 PMJun 13
Hello all,

It is that time again to submit nominations for the DHC-NC Executive Committee!

As outlined in our constitution and bylaws, we are beginning the yearly elections cycle for the executive committee. Once again, we will hold elections for: 
  • President-Elect (open seat)
  • Secretary (eligible for a second term)
  • Communications Manager (eligible for a second term)
  • three Executive Board members
To begin the process, we are soliciting nominees to develop the slate of candidates for the positions described in this communication. Please feel free to nominate others or to self nominate if you are interested in serving the Collaborative.

To nominate, please submit the name(s) of nominees, the officer position for which you are nominating them, and their contact information. When we have collected nominations, we will  contact the nominees to ask if they are willing to be nominated to serve and to collect some information about the candidates to include on the ballot. 

Send nominations to Jamie Harr (DHC-NC President) at Nominations due: Friday, June 21, 2024.

Executive Committee Members to Be Elected

  • The President-Elect is elected by the membership of the organization for a one-year term unless elected to complete the term of a President-Elect who has withdrawn or has  been removed.
  • The President-Elect is responsible for cooperating with the President in coordinating the  duties of the Executive Board and guiding other activities of the organization and will also disseminate information to the officers and Executive Board, keep and disseminate the minutes of each board meeting, coordinate with the President to schedule board meetings, and be the primary custodian for the executive  board email list. The President-Elect will facilitate content creation for the website as  necessary.
  • If the President cannot perform required duties or designates the President-Elect to do  so, the President-Elect shall serve in the place of the President.
  • An elected President-Elect becomes President at the expiration of the previous  President’s term. An appointed President-Elect becomes President at the expiration of the previous President’s term unless replaced by a newly elected President.
  • The President-Elect can be removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive  Board.
  • If the office of the President-Elect becomes vacant, the Executive Board shall act promptly to appoint a new President-Elect. The Executive Board may also conduct new  elections to ensure that the President and President-Elect positions remain elected positions.
  • The Secretary serves a one-year term and may be re-elected to serve one additional  term.
  • The Secretary shall take minutes of Executive Committee and Advisory Board meetings,  assist the President in creating meeting agendas, disseminate information to the officers  and Executive Board, provide updated lists of officers and board members, maintain  organization records, and assist with yearly elections.  
  • By a majority vote of the Executive Board, the Secretary may be replaced by other  willing candidates.
  • The Secretary is entitled to participate in all activities of the Executive Board.
Communications Manager
  • The Communications Manager is elected by the membership of the organization for a  one-year term and may be re-elected to serve one additional term.
  • The Communications Manager shall disseminate information to the officers and  Executive Board, maintain the email list, provide updated lists of officers and board members, organize and edit the newsletter, manage social media and produce content for accounts and be the primary custodian for the organizational email account.
  • By a majority vote of the Executive Board, the Communications Manager may be replaced by other willing candidates.
  • The Communications Manager is entitled to participate in all activities of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board
  • The Executive Board shall consist of six members, three of whom are elected each year.  Board members should represent, when possible, the diversity of the members of the organization in such areas as gender, race, ethnicity, geography, type of institution, and size of institution. Representation of the independent scholar community by at least one Executive Board member is encouraged.
  • Executive Board members shall be nominated and elected by the general membership of DHC-NC to serve a two-year term of office. Any member in good standing can appear on the slate of nominees and self-nomination is welcome.
  • An Executive Board member may be nominated during or after a term of office for the position of President-Elect.
  • If an Executive Board member is unable to complete an elected term, the President shall select a candidate from among the members of DHC-NC to be approved by a majority consensus of the Executive Board to complete the term.
  • Executive Board members and all collaborative officers are expected to attend all meetings of the board held during their terms of office and serve diligently on the board’s committees and initiatives.
  • An Executive Board member may be removed by a majority vote of the board should that person fail to fulfill obligations to the organization or fail to follow the community’s code of conduct. An example of failing to fulfill obligations would be if a member is absent from three consecutive regular meetings of the Executive Board.
  • Immediate past Executive Board members may serve a one-year term on the Advisory Board.
  • Executive Board members may run for re-election for one additional term following their year on the Advisory Board.

The Digital Humanities Collaborative of North Carolina (DHC-NC)
Promoting digital humanities projects and practices across North Carolina equitably and inclusively.

Digital Humanities Collaborative of North Carolina

Jun 18, 2024, 9:57:16 PMJun 18
Just a reminder: DHC-NC Executive Committee nominations are due this Friday!

Hello all,

It is that time again to submit nominations for the DHC-NC Executive Committee!

As outlined in our constitution and bylaws, we are beginning the yearly elections cycle for the executive committee. Once again, we will hold elections for: 
  • President-Elect (open seat)
  • Secretary (eligible for a second term)
  • Communications Manager (eligible for a second term)
  • three Executive Board members (two-year terms)

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