BGF Upcoming Events Weekly Updates (Aug - Sept 2019)

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Chooi YenHoe (Mr)

Aug 4, 2019, 1:42:05 AM8/4/19
to Dhammafren Mailing Group

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma,

You are cordially invited to the following events at BGF :


Whether it’s a sales presentation that didn’t quite go as planned, or an opportunity turned down because of a fear of public speaking, or even your most current presentation to you boss, all of us have faced situations where better public speaking skills would have altered the course of our life.

This is especially true for people who suffer from a crippling fear of public speaking, fear which often holds them back from opportunities for leadership and advancement.
As Buddhists today, it is important to be well equipped with such valuable tool which can be applied to our work life. Join us in our upcoming session and benefit from the various trainers who have vast experience in this field. Come and join our Effective Speaking Course. Do not let the fear of Public Speaking hold you back! REGISTER NOW
Please click on the SHARE button to share with your friends
Between 3-Aug-2019 till 28-Sept-2019 (Saturdays only)
3-Aug (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
10-Aug (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
17-Aug (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
24-Aug (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
7-Sep (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
28-Sep (7.00pm - 10.30pm)
All classes shall be held @ BGF Centre
For more information, kindly contact
Mooi Chee Onn (+6012-3619151)

2) 4th Aug 2019 Sun@BGF: Metta Practice

Date : 4th August 2019, Sunday

Time : 9.00am to 11.30am

Title  : Metta in Practice.

Speaker: Ven Sumangala Bhikkhuni.


Speaker Profile:

Venerable Sumangala Bhikkhuni

Ven. Sumangala Bhikkhuni received an M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1999. She first became interested in Buddhism at 19 when she saw a serene looking monk and people meditating. These sights delighted her heart and triggered her to pursue, learn and practise the Buddha’s Teaching especially through meditation. 

In 2005, she left the home-life and became an Anagarini. In November 2008, under the sacred Sri Mahabodhi at Bodhgaya, India, she was ordained under her preceptor-teacher Ven. Mahinda (an advocate of Metta and one of the early disciples of the late Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Maha Nayaka Thera, Malaysia) and meditation teacher (samatha-vipassana) Ven. Nadimale Sumedha Maniyo of Sri Lanka. She later obtained an M.A. in Philosophy (Buddhism) from International Buddhist College, Thailand in 2011. On 21 June 2015, she took her higher ordination under preceptor Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Maha Nayaka Thera - the Chief Judiciary Monk of Malaysia, and bhikkhuni preceptor-teacher Ayya Santini Theri of Indonesia. 

Currently, she is the President of Ariya Vihara Buddhist Society, and an advisor of Gotami Vihara Society. She conducts meditation retreats, gives Dhamma talks in various centers and camps, organizes and teaches in samaneri novitiate program, leads Dhamma excursions or pilgrimages to the Buddha’s holy sites, and initiates charitable aid for poor students’ education and those in need. She pioneers and conducts the Ariya Rainbow Kidz Program – the holistic Dhamma education for family. Her tagline is “Living Skillfully by the Dhamma” and “Everyone Can Meditate” & “Discover Truth.”

Her research papers and writings – Buddhist Women Teacher: Lay and Ordain was presented in Sakyadhita Conference in Vietnam, 2010; Unity of Three Buddhist Traditions was published by Buddhist Gem Fellowship in One Dhamma Many Buddhist Traditions, 2013; and Buddhism and The Emergence of Theravada Bhikkhuni in Malaysia and Their Contributions, 2015, presented at Rajbhat Nakhonpathom University, Bangkok.  


Her noble wish is to continue to develop her mind and potential and to share the holistic teaching of the Buddha with others. She continues to pave way and guide the lay practitioner to practise as a compassionate and wise householder, or to go forth as a member of the monastic Sangha to experience the gems of Dhamma. It is hopeful that the bhikkhus and bhikkhunis, lay male and female practitioners will continue to grow for the wellbeing, happiness and benefit of the many. 

May all beings be well and safe. May they be free from all defilements. May all hearts be happy and may they attain Liberation at the soonest opportunity.  

3)  1st Sept 2019 Sun@BGF: People Are Entangled In a Tangle. Who Can Untangle This Tangle? by Bhante Yassasi

Date : 1st Sept 2019, Sunday

Time : 9.00am to 11.30am

Title  : People Are Entangled In A Tangle. Who Can Untangle This Tangle? 

Speaker: Bhante Ayagama Siri Yasassi Thero


In the world today, we are facing various internal and external problems. Sometimes, they are connected each other and solutions for one problem might be caused for other many problems. The Great Teacher, the Buddha taught us the way to overcome our problems. 

Speaker Profile:

Bhante Ayagama Siri Yasassi Thero has received ordination in the year of 1994 and higher ordination in 2004 in Sri Lanka and was a government teacher in Pali & Sanskrit for 8 years. He was a former temporary lecturer in University of Kelaniya and visiting lecturer in Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka. Bhante is the founder of Dharma-Vijaya Buddhist Association and director of Dharma-Vijaya Institute of Buddhist studies and oriental languages. Bhante who is working on his PhD research in Abhidhamma is currently residing at Dharma-Vijaya Sati Vihara, Ara Damansara.

4)  22nd Sept 2019 Sunday : Applied Buddhism In Our Daily Lives by Dr Bugs Tan

Date : 22nd Sept 2019, Sunday

Time : 9.00am to 11.30am

Title  : Applied Buddhism in Our Daily Lives.

Speaker: Dr Bugs Tan. 


We have listened to many Dhamma talks and read many Dhamma books. But how do we apply Dhamma in our daily lives. How can we use the teaching of the Buddha Dhamma to improve things at home and at work? Come and find out at this Dhamma sharing. The speaker will reveal the path way on how you can easily apply the Buddha Dhamma in our dealings with others at home and at work. 

Speaker Profile:Bro Bugs Tan is a prominent inventor with 16 national awards. In 2007 he received the National Innovation Award from the Prime Minister of Malaysia. In 2009 he received the International Award for Excellence in Innovation in India. In 2010 he received the Order of Merit for Innovation in Korea. In 2012 he was inducted as a FELLOW at the University Technology of Malaysia. In 2018 he was named an      Un-Sung Hero by Maybank. He is currently a consultant to Royal Malaysia Police force and an Advisor to a few universities.

5) EXPLORE 4 Days 3 Nights - LUANG PRABANG from 27 to 30 September 2019.

With Metta, 

Buddhist Gem Fellowship


For all correspondence or information please email to


"Happy is he who has lofty and noble aspirations.
Happy is he who enriches the lives of others. 
Happy is he who allows others to live in peace. 
Happy is he who makes this world a better place  to live in.
Happy is he whose work, chores and daily tasks are labours of love.
Happy is he who  loves love".

Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda (1919-2006)

With metta
YenHoe (Suvanna)

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