BGF Upcoming Events Weekly Updates (Jun - Aug 2019)

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Chooi YenHoe (Mr)

Jun 13, 2019, 10:43:36 AM6/13/19
to Dhammafren Mailing Group

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma,

You are cordially invited to the following events at BGF :

1) The Dhamma Minders 5 is now open for registration.

With the theme "Building & Inspiring Future Generations of Buddhists" we encourage all Dhamma school teachers or facilitators, especially new facilitator recruits to join and benefit from this 40-hour training course.

Click this link see our video -

Be inspired by these Awesome Trainers -

Uncle Vijaya, Dr. Tan Ho Soon, Dr. Bugs Tan, Dr. Khoo Boon Hock, Ronnie Leong, K.C. Chiang, Woo Sau Mun, Tay Siok Eian, Thang Mee Yuen, Tee Chee Seng, Daniel Kwok & Michelle Yap

2) 16th June 2019 Sun@Bgf

Date 2-6-2019 & 16-6-2019, both Sundays (2-part sharing)

Time : 9.00am to 11.30am

Title : Paticcasamuppada (Antecedental Concurrence)

Speaker: Bro Billy Tan

Speaker Profile:

Bro Billy Tan is a retired Six Sigma consultant, certified NLP Master Practitioner, Laughter Yoga Teacher, Laughter Ambassador, and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

In sharing the Dhamma, Bro Billy studied under the late Ven Dr M Punnaji Maha Thera and enjoys sharing the Dhamma from a modern and scientific perspective.

Bro Billy is a Life Member of BGF and currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of Universal Wisdom Foundation Inc., a Buddhist resource center in the Philippines.

3) Origin Point (OPT) Awareness Workshop by Brother Raymond Lim

Date : 22nd June 2019(Sat) & 23rd June 2019 (Sun)

Time : 8.30am to 5.30pm

Title  : Origin Point(OPT) Awareness Workshop

4) 23rd June 2019 Sun@Bgf by Dr Punna Wong Yin Onn.

Date : 23rd June 2019, Sunday.

Time : 9.30am to 12.00noon.

Title  : Crazy Rich Buddhists, Why Not?


Speaker: Assoc Prof Dr Punna Wong Yin Onn.


What does the Dhamma say with regards to wealth? Is it wrong for lay Buddhists to be rich? Let us learn from the Buddha’s teachings with regard to this.

Speaker Profile:

Dr Wong Yin Onn,Assoc Prof of Internal Medicine in Monash University Malaysia has been sharing Dhamma regularly in Johor Baru, Singapore, KL, Jakarta,HCMC, Bangkok and Manila for the past 2 decades. A highly sought after speaker, he spoke at the 3rd,7th and 8th Global Conferences on Buddhism. In recognition of his work, he was awarded the 2017 Nalanda Award for Dhammaduta work.

5) Counseling Unit - A Strong Marriage Doesn't Just Happen!

Date : 23rd June 2019 Sunday

Time : 9.00am to 5.30pm

Venue : BGF Centre, Ara Damansara, PJ

Professional and experience Speaker by Ms Tay Siok Eian(Registered counselor)

Communication by Ms.Choy Boon Ling (Corporate trainer)

6 ) 30-Jun-2019 “One Day Retreat – 4 Foundations of Mindfulness by Ven Jiru”

Date : 30 Jun 2019 Sunday

Time : 9.00am to 6.00pm.

Venue: BGF Ara Damansara

Title : One Day Meditation Retreat – 4 Foundations of Mindfulness.

Register online at

Speaker :Ven Jiru.


Ven Jiru is going to teach the meditation practice of "Four Foundations of Mindfulness" and to show the importance of the technique for people nowadays. He usually teaches the mindfulness practice in four postures: sitting, standing, walking and laying down. Depending on the participants' capability,Ven will flexibly adjust his teaching content.

Speaker Profile:

Born in Malaysia, Ven. Jiru was ordained as a Theravāda monk in Thailand in 1980. He later re-ordained in the Mahayana tradition under the late Ven Zhumo in Penang, in 1986. Ven Jiru came to the United States in 1992 to give Dharma Talks, and shortly thereafter was appointed the Abbot of Great Enlightenment Temple of Buddhist Association of U.S. in New York. He became the Abbot of Mid-America Buddhist Association since 1999, and Chairman of International Buddhism Friendship Association since 2000.

7)  7th July 2019 Sun@BGF: Living with Stress.

Date : 7th July 2019, Sunday

Time : 9.00am to 11.30am

Title : Living with Stress.

Speaker: Assoc Prof Dr Alvin Ng Lai Oon, D Psych.


How to live with stress? Think about a flip response to this question: Just like how it is like to live with happiness. Life has both: stress and happiness, as well as many other feelings e.g. joy, anguish, anger, frustrations, jealousy, mirth, compassion, kindness, etc. It is often asked as though stress the only emotion that we don't know how to live with, and that we expect some kind of unique and profound answer that only professionals and experts know about but we don't. The purpose of this talk is to normalise stress, and other emotions as well as to provide a better understanding of emotional management with regards to daily functioning. One of the main tricks is to look beyond the labels of stress and problems as they are way too general to help you figure things out. When your target is too vague or general, you will tend to get stuck and overwhelmed. Dr Alvin Ng will share some psychological approaches to identifying factors that contribute to stress and how we can manage them after a better understanding. Dr Ng will also help identify how these factors can also contribute to all the other emotions that we feel on a daily basis so as to manage them, too, as part of our overall emotional management competency. Basically, you will learn a broader subject of how to live with emotions as a web of feelings, because you cannot deal with stress without dealing with all the other emotions as well.

 Speaker Profile:

Dr Alvin Ng Lai Oon is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, and the Head of the Department of Psychology at Sunway University. He qualified as a clinical psychologist from Murdoch University, Western Australia and has two prior basic degrees in psychology from Murdoch University and the University of Western Australia. Dr Ng has been in academia since 2002 when he was attached to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, where he also ran the Master of Clinical Psychology Programme for 11 years before moving to Sunway University. He was also briefly, the Director of Shine Guidance Centre, where he oversaw daily management of the centre as well as a clinical consultant for families living with developmental disabilities. Dr Ng's areas of interest include mental health literacy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, behavioural fluency, and cross-cultural psychometric development. He has spoken at numerous academic conferences, as well as public talks and seminars. He was also a consultant psychologist on Astro Radio's LiteFM Mental Health Hour on their Breakfast Show from 2015-2017. 


8) 20-July-2019 “One Day Sutta Workshop – Wise Reflections by Bro Benny Liow”

Date : 20 July 2019 Saturday

Time : 9.30am to 5.00pm.

Venue: BGF Ara Damansara

Title : Wise Reflections – Lessons from the Pali Suttas.

Register online at

Speaker :Bro Benny Liow

Speaker Profile:

Benny Liow is the editor of Eastern Horizon. He was the Editorial Consultant and contributor to the “Religions and Beliefs” volume of The Encyclopedia of Malaysia. His writings have appeared in various local and international journals and publications and he has edited eight books on Buddhism. Benny holds a B.A. (Honors) Education degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia and M.P.A. degree from Universiti Malaya.

Anumāna Sutta, MN 15: Inference. The venerable Mahā Moggallāna enumerates the qualities that make a bhikkhu difficult to admonish and teaches how one should reflect on oneself to remove the defects in one's character.

Ambalaṭṭhikārāhulovāda Sutta, MN 61. Advice to Rahula at Ambalatthika.

Here the Buddha taught Rahula how to reflect before doing any action with the body, speech, and mind. Does this action lead to hurting myself, hurting others or both? If yes, then he should not do it. However, if it doesn’t and is skillful with happiness as it’s outcome, then he should do it.

9) 21-July-2019  Sun@Bgf  - The Six Great Gifts by Bro Tan Siang Chai

Date : 21st July 2019, Sunday

Time : 9.00am to 11.30am

Title : The Six Great Gifts.

Speaker: Bro Tan Siang Chye.


Based on AN1.6 and AN6.30,when the Buddha attained Enlightenment,the six great qualities of unsurpassable seeing, hearing, gaining, training, service, and recollection also arose in him. The study and practice of these great qualities directs mankind towards transcendence of worldly restraints/ suffering and the achievement of the highest happiness.

Speaker Profile:

Bro. Tan Siang Chye began learning at Buddhist Institute Sunday Dhamma School, Brickfields at the age of 12. Among his early teachers were the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda and the respected Ven. H. Gunaratana.

He has served as Vice-Chairman,then Chairman of the Buddhist Missionary Society Youth Section at the Brickfields Maha Vihara and as the Exco of the parent body, B.M.S. Bro. Tan was appointed the Director of Nalanda Institute Malaysia in 2014. He was also appointed lay advisor to the exco. of the Subang Jaya Buddhist Association in 2016.He is an active Dhamma speaker, giving talks in Malaysia and Singapore. His talks centre around daily practice of the Dhamma and how this transforms one’s life. Bro. Tan is a striving meditator, practicing the satipatthana method regularly.

Before retiring in 2017, Bro.Tan worked as a senior academic in Taylor’s University.

10) 27th BGF Counselling Workshop - "Listening as a Gift"

Date : 28 July 2019 Sunday

Time : 9.00am to 5.30pm.

Venue: BGF Ara Damansara


Whether it’s a sales presentation that didn’t quite go as planned, or an opportunity turned down because of a fear of public speaking, or even your most current presentation to you boss, all of us have faced situations where better public speaking skills would have altered the course of our life.

This is especially true for people who suffer from a crippling fear of public speaking, fear which often holds them back from opportunities for leadership and advancement.
As Buddhists today, it is important to be well equipped with such valuable tool which can be applied to our work life. Join us in our upcoming session and benefit from the various trainers who have vast experience in this field. Come and join our Effective Speaking Course. Do not let the fear of Public Speaking hold you back! REGISTER NOW
Please click on the SHARE button to share with your friends
Between 3-Aug-2019 till 28-Sept-2019 (Saturdays only)
3-Aug (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
10-Aug (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
17-Aug (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
24-Aug (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
7-Sep (2.30pm - 9.30pm)
28-Sep (7.00pm - 10.30pm)

All classes shall be held @ BGF Centre

For more information, kindly contact
Mooi Chee Onn (+6012-3619151


With Metta,
Buddhist Gem Fellowship

For all correspondence or information please email to


"Happy is he who has lofty and noble aspirations.
Happy is he who enriches the lives of others. 
Happy is he who allows others to live in peace. 
Happy is he who makes this world a better place  to live in.
Happy is he whose work, chores and daily tasks are labours of love.
Happy is he who  loves love".

Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda (1919-2006)

With metta
YenHoe (Suvanna)

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