#GivingTuesday Nov 29th 🍂🧡 Supporting the work of Dhammadharini this Giving Tuesday

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Friends of Dhammadharini

Nov 29, 2022, 12:16:47 AM11/29/22
to Dhammadharini Google Group post
Dhammadharini Giving Tuesday Postcard.png

Greetings Dhamma friends!

Tomorrow TuesdayNovember 29th, is "Giving Tuesday." A reminder, in the midst of the holiday season, to turn our minds towards what we have to give, the joys of sharing that with the world, and how that can bring a feeling of abundance and happiness.

During this holiday season, please consider including Dhammadharini Support Foundation in your generosity. There are many ways you can help support Dhammadharini - most importantly, through your Dhamma practice! And it is also possible to provide material support through financial donations, as a volunteer, or by offering Meal Dana. The Support page on our website describes ways you can get involved. The Dhammadharini Support Foundation is currently especially welcoming donations to the General Fund, as well as financial support for the Grocery Dana and Lodgings Dana initiatives.

For Facebook users - this year, Facebook is offering $7M in matching funds for the Giving season, for donors who set up recurring donations to a nonprofit. Recurring donations can be an incredibly helpful predictable and stabilizing source of income for nonprofits, and this year Facebook is encouraging this with their matching funds. When a donor sets up a new recurring donation,  once the second donation is made on the recurring agreement, Facebook will match that donation, up to $100 per non profit, up to $10,000 per donor.

If you'd like to support Dhammadharini on Giving Tuesday with matching donations from Facebook, here is how you may do so. While logged into Facebook, go to this Facebook page,
click "Donate", and then select "Donate monthly". If you have any trouble, more detailed instructions are here.

We would also like to share a short Dhammadharini Giving Tuesday video made as an offering by a friend of the community, this has been posted on our Facebook page here, and also uploaded to our YouTube here. 

May we all feel the multitude of ways we all benefit from both giving and receiving during this holiday season.

With metta,
from Dom McCarty, Treasurer
on behalf 
of the whole Dhammadharini Support Foundation

 our monastery
6791 Sturtevant Dr, Penngrove CA
 94951 USA
Phone or text: 707.583.9522

 ☸ our hermitage 
Mailing Address: PO Box 16, Jenner, CA 95450  USA
Voicemail or text: 707.583.9523

Friends of Dhammadharini

Nov 29, 2022, 8:40:54 PM11/29/22
to Dhammadharini Google Group post
Dear Dhamma Friends;

Here in the West, we are celebrating a season of giving and gratitude. I am happy to share that we have a wonderful opportunity for both this Saturday, December 3. 

This day marks the celebration of Ayya Tathālokā's 25th Anniversary of Upasampada. You are all invited to join the celebration of Ayya Tathaloka's practice. 

As part of the celebration, I would like to encourage everyone to make a donation to support Ayya Tathaloka's continued leadership in the Bhikkhuni Sangha. The Dhammadharini Board of Directors has indicated to me that donations are needed to support the basic requisites for the Bhikkhunis during the coming year. In the first few months of 2022, our donations in this area were short of the expenses, leading to an operating deficit for this year so far, that we hope to make up during the Holiday Giving Season. If you want to support our Dhammadharini Bhikkhuni sangha, please consider making a generous donation to the Lodgings Dana initiative for basic lodging expenses (which includes insurance - the cost of which went up a lot in 2022), to the Grocery Dana initiative for food, drinks and tonics for the Sangha, or to the Monastic Medical Fund. These needs -- food, clothing, shelter, and medicine/medical care -- though not particularly glamorous -- are the physical supports for the Dhamma-Vinaya heart and soul of our living Monastic Sangha.

In 1997, Ayya Tathaloka had the opportunity - incredibly rare at that time - to receive full higher ordination as a Theravada Bhikkhuni. This year is the 25th anniversary of that auspicious event. The Dhammadharini community is planning a "Muditā" gathering, offered in-person, and online, to celebrate Ayya Tathaloka's 25 years as a Bhikkhuni; the incredibly benefit she has brought to all those who have been inspired by her life, teachings, and practice, and her work to make Bhikkhuni ordination available to others. As a member of the upasika-fold of the Buddha's fourfold community, I have been privileged to know Ayya Tathaloka and benefit from her devotion and wisdom for many of these years -- and during that time, see the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha re-arise; not only far away in Asia, but here in our own backyards in Northern California. And not only here, but around the world. This has been our great work of Dhammadharini, together.

For details about attending this special Mudita celebration of Ayya Tathaloka's 25 years as a Bhikkhuni, in person or online, please see the Dhammadharini website.

With gratitude for your presence with us,

Shari Gent
Founding Board Member of Dhammadharini support foundation, Board President Emeritus
Member, Inspiring Generosity (Friends of Dhammadharini)
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