Now Welcoming Applications for Monastic Life Immersion for Winter Retreat 2023

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Dhammadharini Sangha

Nov 21, 2022, 12:08:15 AM11/21/22
to Dhammadharini Google Group post

Now Welcoming Applications for Anagarika and Nekkhamma for Winter Retreat 2023


Dear Dhamma friends,

Temporary ordination with extended stay for monastic life immersion in the monastery is a time-honored tradition in the Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhist traditions of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Burma. In past years, Dhammadharini has offered the opportunity to undertake Anagarika or Nekkhamma precepts for the Vassa from July - October. This year, we are happy to offer this opportunity also during our Winter Retreat time from January to March 2023. Those who wish to undertake Anagarika precepts should plan to arrive by December 21, 2022 for orientation and preparations. For Nekkhamma, periods of 1-3 months with arrival throughout the retreat time are available.

If you or someone else you know may be interested, we encourage you/them to fill out the application form (please mention the anagarika/nekkhamma program in your application). For those with interest in monastic life, a period of time as an anagarika can be an excellent way to gain significant monastic life experience through immersion, living and practicing together with the monastic community. With our Dhammadharini Sangha, one year as an anagarika is preliminary to going forth in the saffron robes as a samaneri (female novice - samana-in-training), with the ten precepts, which include the renunciation of money and wealth, for those who wish to go deeper into the way of life of the Buddha. 


  • Anagarika means "one who has left home" for the monastery or monastic life. In this program, Anagarikas will undertake and train with the eight renunciate precepts, with shaven head, wearing full white robes. White robes represent brahmacariya, living the "holy life" as a celibate renunciate.

  • Nekkhamma means "a renunciate," whether living at home or in the monastery. Nekkhammas undertake the same eight precepts as the Anagarika, but with hair pulled back or cut short without shaving their heads; they wear simple, modest white clothing (or white on top and black on the bottom), without the long, full white upper robe.

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This opportunity is for those who would like to undertake Anagarika or Nekkhamma precepts for the Winter Retreat in residence with the Dhammadharini monastic community. The full period is for three to four months, and those who wish to undertake Anagarika precepts must commit to this full period. The minimum period for Nekkhamma is one month.

Priority will be given to those who are:

  • interested and able to join for the full three months of the retreat (arriving a few weeks in advance, in December, for short COVID safety quarantine, orientation, and preparations for taking precepts in early January)

  • known to our Dhammadharini community or to our closely-related communities (others may be asked for letters of recommendation)

  • dedicated practitioners of Theravada Buddhism and who wish to more fully develop such a dedicated study & practice

  • fully vaccinated from Covid 19 and happily willing to practice the evolving Covid safety guidelines of our Dhammadharini community

  • US or North American residents (who may stay for the requested time period without visa application; non-NorAm residents may be considered from some areas)

  • with ability to pay for their own travel and medical expenses



People often ask "what is the cost?" for such programs.

This monastic life immersion program is a traditional offering of the Theravada Buddhist traditions and communities of Southeast Asia. There is no charge for room & board, and there is no requested or expected monetary offering to the preceptors or teachers. It is traditional to offer a small bouquet of flowers, candles and incense at the time of undertaking the Anagarika or Nekkhamma precepts with a teacher or preceptor (these can be provided by the monastery). All donations of money to Dhammadharini support foundation, or gifts of useful supplies, are best when offered purely by free-will inspiration, and are never expected or required. One's complete and whole-hearted dedication to the monastic way of life and training during one's period of Anagarika or Nekkhamma is considered to be the greatest gift and offering to oneself, to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, and to all beings.

Anagarika Robes   

Dhammadharini Monastery will provide information on request for the preparation of one's simple Anagarika robes (very simple and easy to measure and sew).


What are the Eight Precepts? |  The eight precepts include the five precepts recommended by the Buddha for all lay Buddhists, plus three (and one more transformed) renunciate precepts.

The Buddhist Five Precepts:

1. abstaining from taking the life of any living creature

2. abstaining from taking that which is not given

3. abstaining from sexual misconduct

4. abstaining from false and harmful speech

5. abstaining from drink and drugs which lead to carelessness

The Eight Renunciate Precepts:

~> no. 3, the “abstaining from sexual misconduct” precept of the five precepts changes to “abstaining from all sexual activity,” the renunciate precept of celibacy

6. abstaining from eating “outside the proper time” = not taking food after solar noon other than allowable tonics and medicine

7. abstaining from entertainment, beautification and adornment

8. abstaining from the use of high and luxurious sleeping places

2023 Winter Retreat dates

January 8 - March 25

Dates to plan to arrive to join in the 2023 Winter Retreat Anagarika and Nekkhamma program: 

  • To join from the beginning of winter retreat:

    • As anagarika for the full retreat: plan to arrive between Dec 1-21, 2022

    • As nekkhamma for 1-3 months: plan to arrive on or before Dec 27, 2022

  • Because our quarantine facilities are limited, we will need to coordinate carefully for several visitors to arrive and quarantine before the start of winter retreat-- please inquire about exact dates

  • To join for February and/or March only, inquire as to arrival dates

    • Mid-retreat arrival is open only to those already well known to our community, not to new first-time visitors

    • Only nekkhamma form will be offered for those arriving mid-retreat, not anagarika

Program includes:

Daily practice: chanting and meditation, regular Dhamma teachings, silent meals, mindful service work

Fortnightly (every two weeks) Uposatha: new and full moon observances with Refuges & Precepts renewals and Dhamma teachings

Application: If you or someone else you know may be interested, we encourage you/them to fill out the application form (please mention the anagarika/nekkhamma program in your application).


Extension of Anagarika period: it is expected that those who undertake Anagarika for the Winter Retreat will return to their home life afterwards. If a person wishes to continue in the Anagarika life afterwards, they may apply to extend for up to one year with Dhammadharini, or be recommended to another of our related bhikkhu/ni monasteries. Approval of extension is not guaranteed, and is based on community review and approval. For Nekkhamma, likewise; or one can continue to live with Nekkhamma precepts at home. Several of the Buddha's leading Upasaka and Upasika disciples were Nekkhammas for several years of their home life; in example, Nakula's mother and father. 

“Sit and Serve” opportunities during Winter Retreat 2023

Applications are also now open for "Sit and Serve" opportunities for the 2023 Winter Retreat with Dhammadharini bhikkhunī sangha at Dhammadharini Monastery in Penngrove and Aranya Bodhi forest hermitage, Northern California.

"Sit and Serve" monastic life immersion and stewardship includes opportunities for service, meditation, traditional chanting, Dhamma study and undertaking precepts while immersed in monastic community. This opportunity is suitable for those who are friends, allies and supporters of our reemerging Theravāda Bhikkhunī Sangha.

Winter Retreat: January-March 2023


Winter Retreat is a time of greater quiet, as all external community activities are set aside and we turn our focus inwards through deeper formal practice. There is a shared theme of practice and teachings for the community during this time, in addition to a rotation of secluded individual retreat times for all community members, including those in our "sit and serve" monastic life immersion program who are able to offer service for the full three months.

First priority will be given to applicants known to our Theravāda Buddhist monastic community who are able to join for the full three months of the retreat.

The minimum commitment for this "sit and serve" winter retreat monastic life immersion program is one month.

For those applicants not yet well known to our Dhammadharini monastic community or to a closely related monastic community internationally, limited spaces are available for resident visits of 2-4 weeks to our monastery and/or hermitage in November and December to determine if this opportunity is right for you.

Dhammadharini is a Covid-safe community. All resident visitors will be required to quarantine and have a negative Covid test before monastic community immersion.

For more information and to apply, click "Apply to Visit" at

Feel free to share this email with those for whom you feel this might be an excellent opportunity.


 our monastery
6791 Sturtevant Dr, Penngrove CA
 94951 USA
Phone or text: 707.583.9522

 ☸ our hermitage 
Mailing Address: PO Box 16, Jenner, CA 95450  USA
Voicemail or text: 707.583.9523

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