Ayya Sobhana’s 75th Birthday and 20th Anniversary of Her Going Forth > Tuesday December 12

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❧ Dhammadharini Monastery

Dec 6, 2023, 1:13:04 AM12/6/23
to dhamma...@googlegroups.com

Dear Venerables and Dhamma friends,

The Dhammadharini Monastic community is announcing a special Tuesday evening program on December 12, 2023 at 7:00pm PST, honoring Venerable Ayya Sobhana Theri for her tireless service to the Dhammadharini community and to Buddhism in general.

Ayya Sobhana yurt.jpeg

Venerable Ayya Sobhana, who turns 75 years old on December 12, 2023 is well known and well loved for her Dhamma teachings at the Dhammadharini Monastery in Penngrove, California on Sunday mornings, Sundays afternoons and Tuesday evenings since the monastery was founded.  What might be less well known is how she was discovered to have the rare gift for sharing the Dhamma during her Samaneri training years, which began on November 12, 2023, with her going forth as a novice (pabbajjā), at the Bhavana Society in High View, West Virginia.  She was given the Pali name, Sobhana (which means “beautiful qualities”) by her teacher and preceptor, Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, Mahāthero, (affectionately known as “Bhante G”), who founded the Bhavana Society Forest Monastery and retreat center in 1982, long before earning the Sri Lankan title of Chief Sanghanayaka of North America in 1996.  

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Bhante Gunaratana, Ayya Sudhamma and Ayya Sobhana at Bhavana Society, 2014

You are very cordially invited to join us in celebrating this inspiring and auspicious occasion, where we will hear from a few of Ayya Sobhana’s special friends (old and new), from her current companions in the holy life at Dhammadharini and a few of her beloved students.   The theme for this program will be:

Kālena dhammasākacchā, etaṁ maṅgalamuttamaṁ.
Timely discussion of the teaching: this is the highest blessing.

Left to Ayya Sobhana, a card and a cupcake would suffice to celebrate this occasion. “It’s alright, I don’t mind!” She would likely say.  But those who know and love and appreciate all the very hard work that she has done to support sangha and share Dhamma say otherwise!

We hope to see you on December 12th for as much or as little of the program as works for you! Information on how to join is included below in this email.

With much metta and mudita,

The Dhammadharini Community

Meeting ID: 890 9207 2354
Passcode: Tuesday

ayya sobhana as anagarika preceptor.jpeg
Passing it on to the next generation: Ayyā Sobhanā giving anagārikā precepts to Mittakhantī, together with Dhammadharini Sangha, August 7, 2023
Dhammadharini Monastery
6791 Sturtevant Dr., Penngrove CA 94951
tel or text: +1 707.583.9522
more info on the web @ dhammadharini.net
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