Two Daylong On-Line Programs at Dhammadharini Sunday 2/25 and 3/3/2024

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❧ Dhammadharini Monastery

Feb 17, 2024, 1:34:24 PMFeb 17

Greetings dear Venerable monastics and Dhamma friends,

As the Dhammadharini Bhikkhunī Sangha approaches the midpoint of our winter retreat, we are mindful of the powerful example and inspiration of our founding mother, the Buddha’s foster mother, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī.  This year, we are blessed to share two Daylong programs on consecutive Sundays.  These are days of paṭipatti pūja — honoring our spiritual benefactors with the highest form of respect, by listening to the true Dhamma, and training our minds through meditation.

February 25, 2024, the Magha full moon day,  remembers the day when the Buddha announced his impending Parinibbāna (final nirvana) and began his final teaching tour, culminating three months later on the Vesak Full Moon.  On the same Magha full moon day,  Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, intuiting the Buddha’s own upcoming passing,  decided on her own Parinibbāna and commenced seven straight days of offering her final teaching. A large number of her awakened bhikkhunī companions who had ordained together with her, forty years before, decided they would follow her in going to final nirvana also.  

On February 25, Dhammadharini’s on-line Uposatha Sīla Program will focus on the Arising of the Dhamma Eye, with online sessions at 7am, 9am, 1pm, and 7pm California time. Details and registration here 

Then, on the Atthāmī Uposatha, the lunar eighth day, the great arahantī Mahā Gotamī Therī and the Courageous Founding 500 great arahantī Bhikkhunis entered their final nirvana (their Parinibbāna) together.  

On March 3, a special program will focus on the courage, wisdom, and awakening of the original Bhikkhuni Sangha led by Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, with meditation, poetry and Dhamma teachings, with online sessions at 7am, 9am, 1pm, and 7pm California time. Details and registration here.

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In order to dispel their grief,

[Gotamī] spoke [this] honeyed speech:

Enough of your weeping, children!  

Today is a day of joy.  


Suffering has been understood; 

The cause of suffering allayed; 

Cessation has been experienced; 

the Path's cultivation done.


I have attended to the Teacher;

The Buddha's Teaching has been done;

Putting down the heavy burden,

Everything that leads to further becoming has been rooted out.


That aim for which one goes forth 

From home to homelessness

Has been attained by me;

All my fetters and bonds are destroyed.


...Do not grieve for me children...


...My wish I've had for very long,

Today will be fulfilled...


If you have loving sympathy for me,

And if you have gratitude and appreciation;

Then strong and ardently attentive should you be in your endeavors

To the meaning of the True Dhamma.


Women received the Going Forth 

At my request to the Sambuddha;

As i have found joy and delight [in this Path],

So should you practice!

- Gotami Theri Apadana,  Vv 119-129


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The online sessions will be live on Zoom, and also streamed on | Dhammadharini Monastery, and  so you can watch at your suitable time.

In between these online sessions, and throughout the week, you are invited to continue your meditation and mindfulness day and night.

May these Dhamma offerings be a support for your cultivation of wisdom and release from all dukkha. 

With metta, 

The Dhammadharini Sangha

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All Dhamma programs offered by our Bhikkhunī Dhamma and Meditation teachers are freely offered as Dhamma Dana, in the way of the Buddha.  If you would like information on offering Dana of useful requisites or supplies to our Bhikkhunīs’ community in honor of Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī Parinibbāna Day, or on how to support our Dhammadharini teachers and their efforts, the Dhammadharini Support Foundation is the steward of our Bhikkhunis’ Sangha–welcome to see their support page on

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